Git Cleanup and Unfreezing

Gedare Bloom gedare at
Mon Aug 6 16:52:28 UTC 2012

The repository has been reset with a force push. The reason for the
reset is outlined in some emails on rtems-devel and has to deal with
the proliferation of automatically generated files in the git

Any work based off RTEMS git HEAD in the last 10 days or so will need
to be rebased to the reset HEAD. One way to do this is to generate
patches for your work, reset to the HEAD, and apply your patches. They
should apply cleanly... the only commits that were removed had to deal
with automatically generated files.

These patches had not yet propagated to RTEMS on github, so that is unaffected.

Before doing any of the following, SAVE ANY WORK YOU HAVE ON YOUR
LOCAL! To reset your local repo:
git reset upstream/master --hard
git reset origin/master --hard
Depending on how you have named your remotes you might have something
different. You just have to specify the master branch of RTEMS that
points to

Please feel free to ask for help if you have any problems arising from
this reset.

On Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 12:37 PM, Joel Sherrill
<joel.sherrill at> wrote:
> Hi
> The general consensus has been to remove the generated
> files from the repo.
> I am about to do a backup of the repo and Gedare has offered
> to do the git work. I really appreciate him offering to do this
> as OAR is in the middle of an office update which includes
> new paint and carpet.  Getting things cleared out to be ready
> has been very disruptive the past two weeks.
> Hopefully controversial patches will
> --
> Joel Sherrill, Ph.D.             Director of Research&   Development
> joel.sherrill at        On-Line Applications Research
> Ask me about RTEMS: a free RTOS  Huntsville AL 35805
>     Support Available             (256) 722-9985
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