dedicated irc session regarding the schedule and priorities of my beagleboard gsoc project

Claas Ziemke der_stuttgarter_25 at
Sun Jul 22 11:43:49 UTC 2012

hi everyone,

as already announced on #rtems irc chat, i would like to invite interested developers to a dedicated irc session regarding the schedule and priorities of my beagleboard gsoc project.

( for those who do not know about the project, see here: )

first i have some good news, the serial driver (ns16550) is working now, but only in polled mode. i will have to change that in order to support ns16750 but i think i will postpone that...

my plan is to tackle the i2c bus next, because the rtc as well as usb and ethernet are accessable only through i2c.

since i will go to portugal next wednesday, sadly only monday and tuesday are available for a meeting.

i set up a doodle at

if nobody can make it to the irc meeting, i will  set up a new doodle. i am kind of in vacation in portugal, but i will take my work with me and will attend the weekly irc and be reachable by email anyway...

so hopefully i will come back with a working i2c driver from portugal as well as being well rested for the final month of gsoc!

greetz, claas 		 	   		  
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