Current head compilation problem

Gedare Bloom gedare at
Fri Aug 16 16:03:20 UTC 2013

OK. If you find the bug in the modified clockdrv_shell.h think about
how it might be fixed.

On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 11:49 AM, Vipul Nayyar <nayyar_vipul at> wrote:
> Hello,
> Will look more closely into the matter.
> FWIW, I compiled the pc386 bsp giving the same configure statement as Sree
> gave, in my personal fork of rtems from github which is about 18 or so
> commits behind the master( that means my fork does not contain Sebastian &
> Chris' #define -> #if patches).
> And it compiled successfully, without giving any errors.
> What I feel, is that the following two patches that modified
> clockdrv_shell.h need to be checked again..
> My patches for pc386 were checked carefully by Sebastian, but will have to
> look more closely to find any bug caused due to my patches.
> Regards
> Vipul Nayyar

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