[GSOC] lpc24xx observations

Vipul Nayyar nayyar_vipul at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 28 18:05:24 UTC 2013


Thanks Gedare for your observations. I've updated & filtered the list. I've tried to make it as generic as possible. Please have a look. Although I really appreciate your support, but I think maybe more than one member should review this thing. I hope if DrJoel or Cynthia is not too busy, they can join the conversation anytime, since the whole project started with them only.

As always, the observations are updated on the public doc https://docs.google.com/document/d/1W9DMnpocXUKXiQMxHbbp0aG-ecuh94P-3N7hxEJmcgs/edit and submitted below :

Start Files
File : start.S
Location : bsp/start/start.S | libbsp/arch/shared/start/start.S
_start //  Label associated with the starting address of the program

File : bspstart.c
Location : libbsp/shared/bspstart.c | libbsp/arch/shared/bspstart.c | bsp/startup/bspstart.c
bsp_start() // Performs BSP specific initializations

File : bspreset.c
Location : libbsp/shared/bspreset.c | libbsp/arch/shared/bspreset.c | bsp/startup/bspreset.c

Standard files used for setting up environment
File :bootcard.c
Location : libbsp/shared/bootcard.c
Header : libbsp//shared/include/bootcard.h
boot_card() //  First C code invoked

File : bspclean.c
Location : libbsp/shared/bspclean.c | bsp/startup/bspclean.c
bsp_fatal_extension() // Shutdown

File : bspgetworkarea.c
Location : libbsp/shared/bspgetworkarea.c | libbsp/arch/shared/bspgetworkarea.c | bsp/startup/bspgetworkarea.c
bsp_work_area_initialize() //  Initialize the RTEMS Workspace and the C Program Heap

File : bsplibc.c
Location : libbsp/shared/bsplibc.c
bsp_libc_init() // Initialize the C Library

File : bsppost.c
Location : libbsp/shared/bsppost.c
bsp_postdriver_hook() // BSP specific code for the initialization sequence

File : bsppredriverhook.c
Location : libbsp/shared/bsppredriverhook.c | libbsp/arch/shared/bsppredriverhook.c | bsp/startup/bsppredriverhook.c

File : gnatinstallhandler.c
Location : libbsp/shared/gnatinstallhandler.c
// No need to include this during compilation, seems empty !!

File : sbrk.c
Location : libbsp/shared/sbrk.c | libbsp/arch/shared/sbrk.c | bsp/startup/sbrk.c

File :stackalloc.c
Location : libbsp/shared/src/stackalloc.c
Header : libbsp/shared/include/stackalloc.h
bsp_stack_allocate_init() // Initialize Heap
bsp_stack_allocate() // Allocate Heap
bsp_stack_free() // Free Heap

Interrupt Files
File :irq.c
Location : bsp/irq/irq.c
Header : bsp/include/irq.h
bsp_interrupt_vector_enable() // Enable interrupt
bsp_interrupt_vector_disable() // Disable interrupt
bsp_interrupt_facility_initialize() // Initialize Interrupt Controller, do other BSP specific initialization.
bsp_interrupt_dispatch() // Reads vector number & calls bsp_interrupt_handler_dispatch() to service the interrupt with the appropriate handler.

File : irq-default-handler.c
Location : libbsp/shared/src/irq-default-handler.c 
// Contains default interrupt handler

File :irq-generic.c
Location : libbsp/shared/src/irq-generic.c 
Header : libbsp/shared/shared/include/irq-generic.h
// Generic BSP interrupt support implementation

File :irq-info.c
Location : libbsp/shared/src/irq-info.c 
Header : libbsp/shared/include/irq-info.h
// Generic BSP interrupt information implementation

File : irq-legacy.c
Location : libbsp/shared/src/irq-legacy.c 
// Generic BSP interrupt support legacy implementation

File : irq-server.c
Location : libbsp/shared/src/irq-server.c 
// Generic BSP interrupt server implementation

File :irq-shell.c
Location : libbsp/shared/src/irq-shell.c 
// Generic BSP interrupt shell implementation

Real Time Clock
File : rtc-config.c
Location : rtc/rtc-config.c
bspxx_rtc_initialize() // Initialize RTC chip
bspxx_rtc_get_time() //Get time
bspxx_rtc_set_time() //Set time
bspxx_rtc_probe() // Returns true if device configured by this entry in the RTC_Table is present.

Benchmark Timers
File :benchmark_timer.c
Location : bsp/benchmark_timer/benchmark_timer.c
benchmark_timer_initialize() // Initialize benchmark timer
benchmark_timer_read() // Returns benchmark time units

Other installed headers
File : include/bsp.h // Global Definitions

File :include/bspopts.h

File :include/irq.h // Interrupt Definitions

File : libbsp/shared/include/coverhd.h // Defines to represent the overhead associated with calling a particular directive from C

File :libbsp/shared/include/utility.h // Utility macros

File : libbsp/shared/include/tm27.h // Timing test

Vipul Nayyar 
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