[PATCH 2/9] fsdosfsname01: New test

Ralf Kirchner ralf.kirchner at embedded-brains.de
Mon Jun 3 09:03:16 UTC 2013

Hi Joel,
Unfortunately the modifications required for UTF-8 are pretty deep down
in the FAT file system.
Thus I think except of having Iconv and utf8proc available in the RTEMS
source tree respectively in the tool chain there is not much to be
gained for UTF-8 support in other file systems.
And test for the UTF-8 support are mostly determined by the features and
specifications of the file system. Thus also this is very FAT specific.

Kind Regards
	Ralf Kirchner

Am 31.05.2013 17:46, schrieb Joel Sherrill:
> On 5/31/2013 10:22 AM, Sebastian Huber wrote:
>> On 05/31/2013 04:02 PM, Joel Sherrill wrote:
>>> Ralf.. can you follow the pattern of the other filesystem tests?
>>> That way this test can be run on other filesystems as needed
>>> in the future.
>>> Right now, I don't think we will but better to be on top of the
>>> game while you remember what the code is. :)
>> Fortunately not may file systems have short and long file names.  This
>> test is
>> highly FAT file system specific.
> OK. I was thinking of the UTF-8 support more than the long file name.

Embedded Brains GmbH
Ralf Kirchner          Dornierstr. 4
D-82178 Puchheim       Germany
email: ralf.kirchner at embedded-brains.de
Phone: +49-89-18 94 741-17
Fax:   +49-89-18 94 741-08

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