SMP Work in Progress

Chris Johns chrisj at
Thu Jan 30 00:58:58 UTC 2014

On 24/01/2014 2:05 am, Sebastian Huber wrote:
> Hello,
> I updated the wiki page reflecting our current SMP work in progress.
> The implementation section gives a rough overview of the work we intend
> to deliver in the next couple of months.  This work is carried out under
> a contract with the European Space Agency.

Would it be possible to provide or reference the current status of SMP 
in RTEMS is and what outstanding issues exist in the Status section at 
the start of the page ? I see each section has a status however reading 
the whole page and remembering each state is no easy task. A table with 
each item and the state would be helpful.

What will be the state of SMP in RTEMS once this work has been completed 
? I see Future Directions however it is not clear to me what is covered 
and what is not.

Are the SMP supported archs other than LEON going to be tested with this 
work ?

I am specifically interested in the user's point of view and what 
existing and stable APIs, services and languages do not work or are 
unstable. I see improvements being made at various levels with this work 
and welcome it however it is not clear to me what the over effect is, 
what existing problems are being addressed and more importantly what 
remains to be done that is critical.

Many thanks for this effort and the work you are doing with SMP.


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