RTEMS Project Server move.

Chris Johns chrisj at rtems.org
Wed Mar 5 00:20:35 UTC 2014


I would like to announce the RTEMS Project is moving its net 
infrastructure from OAR Corporation to new server hardware located in 
the Oregon State University's Open Source Lab (OSUOSL). This is an 
exciting stage for RTEMS and I have commented to Joel and Mark at OAR 
Corporation that RTEMS is in its mid-twenties and it is about time it 
moved out of home.

The initial move should be transparent and will start to happening in 
the coming week and should occur over the follow couple of weeks. Your 
supporting in helping us with this move would be appreciated. If you see 
any thing that is broken please send a post to the user mailing list and 
if that is the issue please email me directly.

The move to the OSUOSL brings to the RTEMS project a fast reliable 
internet service. The initial bring up will mirror the functionality of 
the current system. Once stable we will be introducing new services and 
retiring some existing ones. The most important new service coming is 
continuous integration using BuildBot. Further on we will look to move 
to a patch review system where all patches will enter RTEMS via the 
patch review system.

I would like to acknowledge the support of OAR Corporation, Google 
(GSoC), OSUOSL, and iX Systems in helping the RTEMS Project in this 
move. I would also like to acknowledge the work of Amar Takhar in bring 
this project to life for the RTEMS community.

I would like to ask you all to help me thank OAR Corporation, and 
specifically Joel, Jeff, Mark and Mark's late father for their generous 
support to the RTEMS project since they made it publicly available in 
early '90s. Thanks guys.


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