SMP Initialization

Sebastian Huber sebastian.huber at
Fri Mar 7 07:38:53 UTC 2014

On 2014-03-07 03:25, Chris Johns wrote:
> On 6/03/2014 9:04 pm, Sebastian Huber wrote:
>> Hello,
>> there is a potential problem in the SMP initialization procedure.
>> One processor in the system has a special role, the so called boot
>> processor. Currently this is the processor with index zero.  The way to
>> select the boot processor may change in the future, but what will not
>> change is that we have a boot processor.
>> The boot processors initializes the data and BSS sections.  It performs
>> also the sequential part of the RTEMS initialization.
>> During the sequential initialization the function
>> /**
>>   * @brief Performs CPU specific SMP initialization in the context of
>> the boot
>>   * processor.
>>   *
>>   * This function is invoked on the boot processor by RTEMS during
>>   * initialization.  All interrupt stacks are allocated at this point in
>> case
>>   * the CPU port allocates the interrupt stacks.
>>   *
>>   * The CPU port should start secondary processors now.
>>   *
>>   * @param[in] configured_cpu_count The count of processors requested by
>> the
>>   * application configuration.
>>   *
>>   * @return The count of processors available for the application in the
>> system.
>>   * This value is less than or equal to the configured count of processors.
>>   */
>> uint32_t _CPU_SMP_Initialize( uint32_t configured_cpu_count );
>> called.  This function is currently implemented by the BSPs.  An example
>> which starts the processor on its own:
>> An example which uses U-Boot to start the second processor:
>> The return value of _CPU_SMP_Initialize() will tell the RTEMS system how
>> many processors are present.
>> void _SMP_Handler_initialize( void )
>> {
>>    uint32_t max_cpus = rtems_configuration_get_maximum_processors();
>>    uint32_t cpu;
>> [...]
>>    /*
>>     * Discover and initialize the secondary cores in an SMP system.
>>     */
>>    max_cpus = _CPU_SMP_Initialize( max_cpus );
>>    _SMP_Processor_count = max_cpus;
>> }
>> If the BSP says "you have three processors", and one of them is actually
>> not available, then we have a problem later.
>> Before the system starts multitasking there is a synchronization
>> barrier.  This synchronization barrier is necessary to have a defined
>> starting point for the scheduler.
> Just to be clear here I assume this means when the scheduler starts the defined
> resources are present and there is no degraded mode to be supported by RTEMS.
> Getting the processors to the same point means the application can assume a
> specific runtime scheduling profile from the start. What happens after this is
> the application's problem and RTEMS makes no further checks. It also means
> RTEMS cannot be started with cores in a powered down state and enable them on
> demand at the application level.

Yes, exactly.

>> I am in favor of 1. in combination with 2.1 and  For BSPs with
>> unreliably start of secondary processors we should add a support
>> function, e.g.
>> /**
>>   * @brief Waits for all other processors to enter the ready to start
>>   * multitasking state with a timeout in microseconds.
>>   *
>>   * In case one processor enters the shutdown state, this function does not
>>   * return.
>>   *
>>   * This function should be called only in _CPU_SMP_Initialize() if
>> required by
>>   * the CPU port or BSP.
>>   *
>>   * @param[in] processor_count The processor count which will later
>> returned by
>>   * _CPU_SMP_Initialize().
>>   * @param[in] timeout_in_us The timeout in microseconds.
>>   *
>>   * @retval true All other processors entered the ready to start
>> multitasking
>>   * state.
>>   * @retval false Not all the other processors entered the ready to start
>>   * multitasking state and the timeout expired.
>>   */
>> bool _Per_CPU_State_wait_for_ready_to_start_multitasking(
>>    uint32_t processor_count,
>>    uint32_t timeout_in_us
>> );
>> This avoids the burden for the application developer to know about the
>> timeout configuration option and to select a proper value.
> +1
>> It moves the
>> responsibility to deal with issue to the BSP which knows best what to
>> do.  In case false is returned it can either issue a fatal error or
>> reduce the processor count.
> Can I assume the BSP can use a call to see which cores are present and which
> are not, eg state of a cpu ? Peeking the per CPU struct is not a good idea.
> The approach seems reasonable.
> Chris

Please have a look at the attached patch.

Sebastian Huber, embedded brains GmbH

Address : Dornierstr. 4, D-82178 Puchheim, Germany
Phone   : +49 89 189 47 41-16
Fax     : +49 89 189 47 41-09
E-Mail  : sebastian.huber at
PGP     : Public key available on request.

Diese Nachricht ist keine geschäftliche Mitteilung im Sinne des EHUG.
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