New source layout.

Amar Takhar amar at
Sun Mar 8 01:51:40 UTC 2015

Please ignore the previous include layout the correct is below copied from 
another email in this thread:

I just noticed the layout I gave above was wrong!  Gedare sent me an
email (he could not email the list directly from his device).  I had a typo in
the original one and also didn't copy the new one I made.  Sigh.  I have
reordered and fixed it below with some examples:

The directories should be:

include/rtems/       - Public API
include/             - Private API
include/arch/        - Private architecture specific
include/bsp/         - Common BSP files
include/bsp/<arch>   - Architecture specific

This allows for:

#include <rtems/header.h>    - Public API
#include <header.h>          - Private API
#include <arch/header.h>     - Private architecture specific
#include <bsp/header.h>      - Common BSP file
#include <bsp/arch/header.h> - BSP architecture specific

Where 'arch' is replaceable by any architecture.

RTEMS has 1,500 headers we will have no issues filling these directories up.
There are 3,258 headers in the waf build.  1,700 of these will be removed after
we fix the references in the source -- a project for down the road.


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