New source layout.

Chris Johns chrisj at
Sun Mar 8 21:39:50 UTC 2015

On 8/03/2015 12:51 pm, Amar Takhar wrote:
> Please ignore the previous include layout the correct is below copied from
> another email in this thread:

Thanks for starting this thread. Reorganising the source tree in RTEMS 
is long over due.

I assume this is all post 4.11 and based on the up coming waf build 
system. It makes sense to move RTEMS a major revision number which would 
make 4.11 the last 4.x series release.

> ----
> I just noticed the layout I gave above was wrong!  Gedare sent me an
> email (he could not email the list directly from his device).  I had a typo in
> the original one and also didn't copy the new one I made.  Sigh.  I have
> reordered and fixed it below with some examples:
> The directories should be:
> include/rtems/       - Public API
> include/             - Private API

With the public API as a subtree of the private does this mean there is 
only a single include path to the include tree given to the compiler ?

Does private mean the headers are not installed so are more 'internal' 
than 'private' ? To me internal means they can used internally to RTEMS 
but cannot be installed or referenced by public headers while private 
makes me wonder what I can use and should not use.

With testing will we have in tree testing and installed testing, ie a 
test to check no header leakage ?

> include/arch/        - Private architecture specific
> include/bsp/         - Common BSP files
> include/bsp/<arch>   - Architecture specific

Does this mean all <arch> references are explicit and not using compiler 
include path tricks ?

> This allows for:
> #include <rtems/header.h>    - Public API
> #include <header.h>          - Private API
> #include <arch/header.h>     - Private architecture specific
> #include <bsp/header.h>      - Common BSP file
> #include <bsp/arch/header.h> - BSP architecture specific
> Where 'arch' is replaceable by any architecture.
> RTEMS has 1,500 headers we will have no issues filling these directories up.
> There are 3,258 headers in the waf build.  1,700 of these will be removed after
> we fix the references in the source -- a project for down the road.

Getting these files back under control is fantastic. Again many thanks.


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