RTEMS Accepted info Google Code-In 2015

Gedare Bloom gedare at rtems.org
Sat Nov 14 16:24:29 UTC 2015

Interested mentors should provide me (or Joel) with a Google Account
(gmail) name you can use. Then we can invite you to participate.

On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 3:31 PM, Joel Sherrill <joel at rtems.org> wrote:
> Hi
> We are honored to be in the 2015 edition of the Google Code-In program for
> high school students.  Our current list of small task ideas is at:
> https://devel.rtems.org/wiki/GCI/Projects
> Please volunteer to mentor. It is a very rewarding program and the tasks are
> small. Any RTEMS user should be able to help out.
> One of the tasks class is beginner and it can be done once by any number of
> students. One of the ones for RTEMS it to do the hello world introductory
> exercise we require of GSOC students. So if you can use the RSB and run
> hello world on a simulator, you are more than qualified. :)
> Please pitch in. Many hands make light work. Plus there is a cool t-shirt in
> it for you. :)
> --joel
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