Selecting Tests to run/Missing tests

Isaac Gutekunst isaac.gutekunst at
Wed Oct 21 19:48:11 UTC 2015

Thanks Joel, that pushed me in the right direction.

All the missing tests where living in the build tree, not the install tree.

I've now gotten to the point where none of the tests run, but that's another problem for 
another email.

On 10/21/2015 01:57 PM, Joel Sherrill wrote:
> On 10/21/2015 12:30 PM, Isaac Gutekunst wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I'm trying to run the RTEMS tests for our new BSP. I've managed to get close, but am missing
>> something. In general, I'm trying to figure out how the build system decides what tests to
>> build.
>> Below is a bunch of information about what I've tried. It might be irrelevant, so if there is
>> something obvious, just don't bother reading and let me know :)
> There is not as much magic as you might suspect. :)
> Comments scattered below.
>> Details
>> -------
>> I run configure with --enable tests, and have disabled a bunch of tests that don't compile. See
>> the list further down. The file does have effect.
>> ../rtems/configure --enable-rtemsbsp="stm32f7x" --enable-maintainer-mode --enable-tests
>> --target=arm-rtems4.11 --prefix=/other/rtems/lib-rtems --disable-networking --enable-rtems-debug
> (1) You can configure for no tests, samples only, or all tests.
> The set of tests built varies based on if things like networking,
> posix, and SMP are enabled.
>> In the install path, I have a bunch of tests exes.
>> They are specifically located in
>> /other/rtems/lib-rtems/arm-rtems4.11/stm32f7x/lib/rtems-4.12/tests/
>> psxtmbarrier01.doc  psxtmmutex01.exe      psxtmsem03.doc
>> psxtmbarrier01.exe  psxtmmutex02.doc      psxtmsem03.exe
>> psxtmbarrier02.doc  psxtmmutex02.exe      psxtmsem04.doc
>> psxtmbarrier02.exe  psxtmmutex03.doc      psxtmsem04.exe
>> psxtmbarrier03.doc  psxtmmutex03.exe      psxtmsem05.doc
>> psxtmbarrier03.exe  psxtmmutex04.doc      psxtmsem05.exe
>> psxtmbarrier04.doc  psxtmmutex04.exe      psxtmsleep01.doc
>> psxtmbarrier04.exe  psxtmmutex05.doc      psxtmsleep01.exe
>> psxtmcond01.doc     psxtmmutex05.exe      psxtmsleep02.doc
>> psxtmcond01.exe     psxtmmutex06.doc      psxtmsleep02.exe
>> psxtmcond02.doc     psxtmmutex06.exe      psxtmthread01.doc
>> psxtmcond02.exe     psxtmmutex07.doc      psxtmthread01.exe
>> psxtmcond03.doc     psxtmmutex07.exe      psxtmthread02.doc
>> psxtmcond03.exe     psxtmnanosleep01.doc  psxtmthread02.exe
>> psxtmcond04.doc     psxtmnanosleep01.exe  psxtmthread03.doc
>> psxtmcond04.exe     psxtmnanosleep02.doc  psxtmthread03.exe
>> psxtmcond05.doc     psxtmnanosleep02.exe  psxtmthread04.doc
>> psxtmcond05.exe     psxtmrwlock01.doc      psxtmthread04.exe
>> psxtmcond06.doc     psxtmrwlock01.exe      psxtmthread05.doc
>> psxtmcond06.exe     psxtmrwlock02.doc      psxtmthread05.exe
>> psxtmcond07.doc     psxtmrwlock02.exe      psxtmthread06.doc
>> psxtmcond07.exe     psxtmrwlock03.doc      psxtmthread06.exe
>> psxtmcond08.doc     psxtmrwlock03.exe      rhdeadlockbrk.adoc
>> psxtmcond08.exe     psxtmrwlock04.doc      rhdeadlockbrk.exe
>> psxtmcond09.doc     psxtmrwlock04.exe      rhilatency.adoc
>> psxtmcond09.exe     psxtmrwlock05.doc      rhilatency.exe
>> psxtmcond10.doc     psxtmrwlock05.exe      rhmlatency.adoc
>> psxtmcond10.exe     psxtmrwlock06.doc      rhmlatency.exe
>> psxtmkey01.doc        psxtmrwlock06.exe      rhsemshuffle.adoc
>> psxtmkey01.exe        psxtmrwlock07.doc      rhsemshuffle.exe
>> psxtmkey02.doc        psxtmrwlock07.exe      rhtaskpreempt.adoc
>> psxtmkey02.exe        psxtmsem01.doc      rhtaskpreempt.exe
>> psxtmmq01.doc        psxtmsem01.exe      rhtaskswitch.adoc
>> psxtmmq01.exe        psxtmsem02.doc      rhtaskswitch.exe
>> psxtmmutex01.doc    psxtmsem02.exe
>> This is missing a bunch of tests.
> I don't see any sp* or tm* tests. Are they in the tree itself?
> I always run using a find command and not from an install point.
> It is possible that only some tests install themselves but I
> don't know what the rationale for primarily POSIX tests doing
> that would be.
>> This is the contents of libbsp/arm/stm32f7x/make/custom/stm32f7x-testsuite.tcfg
> This file specifies the files which are known not to link. Usually this
> is because the test takes too much code or data space for the target board.
All of these tests seem to be failing to do something related to devfs and multiple definitions 
of some symbols. I'll post a followup later once I get at least some tests to run.

>> fsdosfsname01
>> jffs2_fserror
>> jffs2_fslink
>> jffs2_fspatheval
>> jffs2_fspermission
>> jffs2_fsrdwr
>> jffs2_fsscandir01
>> jffs2_fssymlink
>> jffs2_fstime
>> devfs01
>> devfs02
>> devfs03
>> devfs04
>> termios02
>> termios03
>> termios04
>> stringto01
>> math
>> mathf
>> tar03
>> mathl
>> complex
>> sptimecounter01
>> spfatal26
>> spinternalerror01
>> fsnofs01

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