libbsd: How to add an option for switching off IPv6 (or other BSD Kernel configurations)
Christian Mauderer
christian.mauderer at
Fri Aug 5 11:59:33 UTC 2016
Am 02.08.2016 um 12:21 schrieb Chris Johns:
> On 2/08/2016 8:05 PM, Christian Mauderer wrote:
>> Am 02.08.2016 um 08:57 schrieb Christian Mauderer:
>>> Am 02.08.2016 um 04:09 schrieb Chris Johns:
>>>> On 02/08/2016 00:04, Christian Mauderer wrote:
>> [...]
>>>>> Are there any better ideas how to implement such an option?
>>>> There are 2 parts that need be to changed to make this work. This
>>>> assumes you will need to control the source being built.
>>>> The first is the module descriptions in and then the
>>>> generator. I suggest you look at the various module class methods used
>>>> to add source and consider adding a 'section' argument which defaults to
>>>> 'default' (always True). This would lets you move code into specific
>>>> sections, for example:
>>>> dhcpcd_defines='-D__FreeBSD__ -DTHERE_IS_NO_FORK ...'
>>>> mod.addSourceFiles(
>>>> [
>>>> 'dhcpcd/ipv6.c',
>>>> 'dhcpcd/ipv6nd.c',
>>>> ],
>>>> mm.generator['source'](dhcpcd_defines),
>>>> section = 'networking.ipv6_yes'
>>>> )
>>>> Note, this definition generates something that is evaluated when waf
>>>> runs so the 'section' populates a dict where the 'networking.ipv6_yes'
>>>> key is tested for True or False depending what the user specifies.
>>>> You could also change the class constructor so you have:
>>>> mod = builder.Module('dhcpcd', section = 'networking.dhcp')
>>>> The dot notation would allow control of the sources at the module level
>>>> to finally get sorted out. The dhcpcd module becomes 'networking.dhcpcd'
>>>> which means build if networking and dhcpcd are True. You could work down
>>>> the dots checking at each point to make sure the module can be built.
>>>> Currently module level user control has been left hanging with commented
>>>> modules, eg '#mm.addModule(dev_usb_controller_add_on(mm)'. If the
>>>> section 'usb.dev_usb_controller_add_on' is False by default that module
>>>> is not built which is what we have now.
>>>> The second part is in the waf script (wscript) which handles the user
>>>> interface, ie parses
>>>> --config="networking:ipv6=no,pink-frames-only,chrismac-buf-frames=64". I
>>>> would add this code in a new Python module and imported
>>>> into (generated) and called in the 'options' function in
>>>> This would parse and populate a dict the generated module
>>>> code uses.
>>> Thanks for the detailed description. I'll need some time to understand
>>> everything but it looks like a good starting point.
>> [...]
>> Hello Chris,
>> I think I managed to understand most of it even if I still only have a
>> rough Idea where to start.
>> If I'm right, you suggested two alternative possible methods:
>> 1) Add the section-option as parameter to a addSourceFiles. This means
>> it is only valid for some sources in a module.
>> 2) Alternatively add it directly to the module.
> I am saying have both so all modules are provide a section.
> I only used the work section because it is the term used in INI files.
>> Did I understand you correct. Or did you mean that the section is added
>> to both - the module and the source?
> Close, but how about annotating all source and then we can control it
> better.
>> As far as I understand the first method, this could be also used for the
>> define that depends on the option. Something like this:
>> def dhcpcd(mm):
>> mod = builder.Module('dhcpcd')
>> dhcpcd_sources =
>> [
>> 'dhcpcd/arp.c',
>> 'dhcpcd/auth.c',
>> ...
>> ]
>> dhcpcd_defines_base = '-D__FreeBSD__ -DTHERE_IS_NO_FORK ...'
>> dhcpcd_defines_inet6 = dhcpcd_defines_base + ' -DINET6'
>> mod.addSourceFiles(
>> dhcpcd_sources,
>> mm.generator['source'](dhcpcd_defines_base),
>> section = 'networking.ipv6_no'
>> )
>> mod.addSourceFiles(
>> dhcpcd_sources,
>> mm.generator['source'](dhcpcd_defines_inet6),
>> section = 'networking.ipv6_yes'
>> )
>> return mod
> It is close, however I suspect -DINET6 is need for all source when being
> built. I will take a look and see what I can sort out.
>> I'm not sure how this would be possible with the second method.
> Let me take a closer look.
> Chris
Hello Chris,
just for information: For a test I applied the necessary changes to
switch off IPv6 manually. Of course we can't add this to the libbsd
directly but it could be a reference what would be necessary.
You can find the patch appended to this mail. It should be applied on
top of 07176074bdfb53946e277e046ca3e2bc77726bf7 or later.
Kind regards
embedded brains GmbH
Christian Mauderer
Dornierstr. 4
D-82178 Puchheim
email: christian.mauderer at
Phone: +49-89-18 94 741 - 18
Fax: +49-89-18 94 741 - 08
PGP: Public key available on request.
Diese Nachricht ist keine geschäftliche Mitteilung im Sinne des EHUG.
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