[PATCH 1,2,3] Add STM32F4 and F7 BSP

Sebastian Huber sebastian.huber at embedded-brains.de
Tue Jan 19 08:17:24 UTC 2016

Hello Isaac,

your patches need an update due to some changes I made recently to 
support the Atmel SAM V71 platform. Please use the CMSIS code in the 
shared directory.

On 15/01/16 22:55, Gedare Bloom wrote:
> Isaac.
> In patches 1 and 2:
> * If the HAL code might be re-updated, the RTEMS changes should be
> ifdef'd so it may be easier to integrate future versions.
> * By the same token, you may want to ifdef out unused code instead of
> deleting lines.
> In patch 3:
> Does this clash with Sebastian's recent patch removing the cmsis_rtos files?
> Does it make sense to split out the cpukit/dev files from the new BSP?
> Any function not declared 'static' and anything in a public header
> should follow the naming conventions, e.g. HAL_CAN_TxCpltCallback()
> should be stm32_HAL...(), and hal-can.h should declare its types with
> e.g. stm32_...().
> For the confdefs.h change, it probably makes sense to have something
> else like.. CONFIGURE_BSP_SEMAPHORES. This can be discussed separately
> as it needs some additional thought. The issue is how to let the BSP
> append its own configuration needs.
> Why divide the stack size in half for arm/cpu.h?
> Don't change the samples without reason: hello/init.c and minimum/init.c
> Remove the .cproject file.
> I was only able to give a cursory examination to this third patch. I
> skipped most everything within the BSP.
> -Gedare
> On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 2:34 PM, Isaac Gutekunst
> <isaac.gutekunst at vecna.com> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> We are ready to get the STM32F4 and STM32F7 BSPs out.
>> They both work and have been tested, and pass a majority of the test cases.
>> We are aware there are likely many issues that need to be resolved in order
>> to get this int mainline. Despite having existing obligations, we'll be able
>> to dedicate several hours each week address code review.
>> We can provide an updated configuration file for running the test cases
>> against a remote GDB server. We've done testing using J-Links as the debug
>> probe.
>> As you've probably seen, there are issues with lwip that have not been
>> resolved.
>> If anyone out there is interested, we may be able to provide you with a
>> STM32F4-Discovery or STM32F7-Discovery board. Please contact me off list if
>> you are interested.
>> Thanks,
>> --
>> Isaac Gutekunst
>> Embedded Systems Software Engineer
>> isaac.gutekunst at vecna.com
>> www.vecna.com
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Sebastian Huber, embedded brains GmbH

Address : Dornierstr. 4, D-82178 Puchheim, Germany
Phone   : +49 89 189 47 41-16
Fax     : +49 89 189 47 41-09
E-Mail  : sebastian.huber at embedded-brains.de
PGP     : Public key available on request.

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