A virtio front-end driver for RTEMS

Gedare Bloom gedare at rtems.org
Fri Mar 25 13:28:49 UTC 2016

On Sun, Mar 20, 2016 at 11:51 PM, Jinhyun <jinhyun at konkuk.ac.kr> wrote:
> Thank you for the comment.
> We got little bit delayed to meet the RTEMS coding standard.
> Regarding the source commitment, we have following questions.
> 1. Shall we just post diffs to the mailing list? (FYI, our implementation includes about 10 files and 1,300~1,500 lines total)
Yes that is preferred.

> 2. Will it be ok if we generate a directory ‘virtio’ under the ‘pc386’ directory? (i.e., … libbsp/i386/pc386/virtio)
That should be fine with me.

> Thanks,
> Jin-Hyun
> -----Original Message-----
> From: gedare at gwmail.gwu.edu [mailto:gedare at gwmail.gwu.edu] On Behalf Of Gedare Bloom
> Sent: Friday, March 11, 2016 2:14 AM
> To: Jinhyun <jinhyun at konkuk.ac.kr>
> Cc: rtems-devel at rtems.org <devel at rtems.org>; jinh at konkuk.ac.kr
> Subject: Re: A virtio front-end driver for RTEMS
> I'm glad to hear this. The path of least resistance would be to merge the driver into the pc386 BSP on rtems.git. That bsp tree is currently undergoing a lot of activity, but once you get your driver merged I would imagine it is not too hard to maintain. It would also be of interest to get instructions for using RTEMS-pc386 on KVM added to the RTEMS wiki.
> By merging the driver into RTEMS it will be more easily shared and can be community-maintained especially if we can eventually get the KVM version included in our planned continuous integration efforts.
> Gedare
> On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 5:43 AM, Jinhyun <jinhyun at konkuk.ac.kr> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am a graduate student of System Software Lab at Konkuk University
>> (http://sslab.konkuk.ac.kr).
>> We are implementing a virtio front-end network driver for RTEMS and
>> have published some preliminary results in ACM SIGBED Review
>> (http://sigbed.seas.
>> upenn.edu/archives/2016-01/EWiLi15_5.pdf).
>> The current version of our implementation runs quite stably with
>> RTEMS-pc386 over KVM hypervisor (linux 3.18.0).
>> Now we are trying to make it work over VirtualBox.
>> If the RTEMS community is interested in our work, we’d like to open
>> the source codes and contribute to RTEMS. However, currently, we are
>> not sure whether our virtio driver is better to be incorporated in an
>> RTEMS source branch or to be managed separately through our own GitHub
>> for example. Please give your advice.
>> with best regards,
>> Jin-Hyun
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