Require help with running Xilinx Zynq Qemu BSP

Chris Johns chrisj at
Thu May 12 03:07:15 UTC 2016

On 11/05/2016 6:02 PM, vivek kukreja wrote:
> I am preparing for the next phase of my project where I will implement live-tracing over transport. For that drivers for USB and Ethernet have to be loaded in qemu. How will that work?

Ah OK. The drivers are simpler than you think. The devices are declared 
in rtemsbsd/include/bsp/nexus-devices.h and the Zynq should be ok. They 
are built and linked in when building libbsd.

To use libbsd you need to build libbsd and create a suitable application 
to do this work. I suggest you look at the tests for examples of how to 
create an application.


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