[PATCH 07/11] Inserted inttypes, fixes 11 format warnings.

Cillian O'Donnell cpodonnell8 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 7 22:37:43 UTC 2017

Like virtex5 I couldn't get rid of the casts.
 .../lib/libbsp/powerpc/virtex4/startup/bspstart.c  | 25 +++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/c/src/lib/libbsp/powerpc/virtex4/startup/bspstart.c b/c/src/lib/libbsp/powerpc/virtex4/startup/bspstart.c
index f4a5ced..2284158 100644
--- a/c/src/lib/libbsp/powerpc/virtex4/startup/bspstart.c
+++ b/c/src/lib/libbsp/powerpc/virtex4/startup/bspstart.c
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@
 #include <string.h>
 #include <fcntl.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
 #define DO_DOWN_ALIGN(x,a) ((x) & ~((a)-1))
@@ -206,20 +207,20 @@ void bsp_start(void)
   /* Let the user know what parameters we were compiled with */
   printk("                  Base/Start     End         Size\n"
-         "RAM:              0x%08x              0x%x\n"
-         "RTEMS:                        0x%08x\n"
+         "RAM:              0x%08" PRIx32 "   0x%" PRIx32 "\n"
+         "RTEMS:                        0x%08x" PRIx32 "\n"
          "Interrupt Stack:  0x%08x              0x%x\n"
-         "Stack:            0x%08x  0x%08x  0x%x\n"
-         "Workspace:        0x%08x  0x%08x\n"
-         "MsgArea:          0x%08x              0x%x\n"
-         "Physical RAM                  0x%08x\n",
-         (uint32_t)RamBase,                               (uint32_t)RamSize,
-         (uint32_t)__rtems_end,
+         "Stack:            0x%08" PRIx32 "0x%08" PRIx32 "  0x%" PRIx32 "\n"
+         "Workspace:        0x%08" PRIx32 "0x%08" PRIx32 "\n"
+         "MsgArea:          0x%08" PRIx32 "             0x%" PRIx32 "\n"
+         "Physical RAM                  0x%08" PRIx32 "\n",
+         (uint32_t) RamBase,                              (uint32_t) RamSize,
+         (uint32_t) __rtems_end,
          intrStackStart,                                  intrStackSize,
-         (uint32_t)__stack_base, (uint32_t)_stack,        (uint32_t)StackSize,
-         (uint32_t)WorkAreaBase, (uint32_t)__bsp_ram_end,
-         (uint32_t)MsgAreaBase,                           (uint32_t)MsgAreaSize,
-         (uint32_t)__phy_ram_end);
+         (uint32_t) __stack_base, (uint32_t) _stack,    (uint32_t) StackSize,
+         (uint32_t) WorkAreaBase, (uint32_t) __bsp_ram_end,
+         (uint32_t) MsgAreaBase,                      (uint32_t) MsgAreaSize,
+         (uint32_t) __phy_ram_end);
    * Initialize RTEMS IRQ system

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