GSOC 2017 RTEMS-libbsd issue

Christian Mauderer christian.mauderer at
Thu Apr 20 05:06:03 UTC 2017

Am 20.04.2017 um 04:02 schrieb Sichen Zhao:
> Hi Christian Mauderer,
> Ok, i got your idea,I will try it.
> Thank you for your patient for my problem.
> Best regards
> Sichen Zhao

Hello Sichen Zhao,

no problem. Don't hesitate to ask if there are any further questions or

Kind regards

Christian Mauderer

embedded brains GmbH
Christian Mauderer
Dornierstr. 4
D-82178 Puchheim
email: christian.mauderer at
Phone: +49-89-18 94 741 - 18
Fax:   +49-89-18 94 741 - 08
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