Zynq RTEMS 5 SMP Crashing on call to connect in socket.h [Solved]

Misra, Avinash Avinash.Misra at jhuapl.edu
Tue Jan 15 07:24:14 UTC 2019

Hi Sebastian,

Thank you for your response. I was using a custom scheduler configuration because of one of the RTEM smp examples I saw. I didn't realize that it would end up affecting BSD and the networking protocol.

I've switched back to the EDF scheduler since and have been having much success with BSD and the networking stack. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Sebastian Huber <sebastian.huber at embedded-brains.de> 
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2019 2:20 AM
To: Misra, Avinash <Avinash.Misra at jhuapl.edu>; rtems-devel at rtems.org <devel at rtems.org>
Subject: Re: Zynq RTEMS 5 SMP Crashing on call to connect in socket.h [Solved]

Hello Avi,

On 13/01/2019 22:51, Misra, Avinash wrote:
> Hi,
> My issue turned out to be a configuration issue where I was using the 
> incorrect scheduler. I was originally using #define 
> been using #define CONFIGURE_SCHEDULER_EDF_SMP. This thread
> (https://lists.rtems.org/pipermail/devel/2018-October/023349.html)
> made that very clear to me.

why did you use a custom scheduler configuration?

> However, I do wonder if this is documented as part of the BSD 
> documentation and I missed it? Is this already well documented or is 
> this something that should be included with the BSD/RTEMS Networking 
> documentation?

I think this should be documented in


This file needs an update in general.

> Thanks,
> Avi
> *From:* devel <devel-bounces at rtems.org> *On Behalf Of *Misra, Avinash
> *Sent:* Sunday, January 13, 2019 1:04 PM
> *To:* rtems-devel at rtems.org <devel at rtems.org>
> *Subject:* Zynq RTEMS 5 SMP Crashing on call to connect in socket.h
> Hi,
> I'm having a peculiar issue when running RTEMS in a SMP configuration 
> and trying to call connect on a TCP Client Socket which is that RTEMS 
> crashes when calling the system connect routine with the following error:
> Fatal source: 10 <RTEMS_FATAL_SOURCE_SMP>
> Fatal Code: 7 <0x00000007>
> RTEMS version: 5.0.0.b3c624d8886db6e791babe5e0d4f8b28992e000a
> RTEMS tools: 7.3.0 20180125 (RTEMS 5, RSB 
> 9955b1a430677b12c04c77eb6502fae4bb6947b2, Newlib
> 08eab6396f678cf5e5968acaed0bae9fd129983b)
> Executing Thread ID: 0x08a010003
> Executing Thread Name: IRQS
> This only seems to occur when I configure RTEMS to execute on both 
> cores of the A9 processor (by setting #define 
> CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_PROCESSORS to 2). When I have #define 
> CONFIGURE_MAXIMUM_PROCESSORS set to 1 the program runs as expected, 
> connects to my TCP server and sends nominal data.  Also, for what it's 
> worth, the name of my task is not IRQS so I'm not sure why I keep 
> getting this exception in the IRQS thread.
> My system.hdf file and MMU setup code look as follow:
> System.hdf:
> MMU Configuration file:
> *#include*<bsp.h>
> *#include*<bsp/start.h>
> *#include*<bsp/arm-gic-irq.h>
> *#include*<bsp/arm-cp15-start.h>
> *#include*<bsp/arm-a9mpcore-start.h>
> BSP_START_DATA_SECTION*static**const*arm_cp15_start_section_config
> zynq_mmu_config_table[] = {
> {
> .begin = 0xE0000000U,
> .end   = 0xE0300000U,
> },{
> .begin = 0xF8000000U,
> .end   = 0xF9000000U,
> },{
> .begin = 0x00000000U, /*RAM 0 START ADDR*/
> .end   = 0x0002FFFFU, /*RAM 0 END ADDR*/
> },{
> .begin = 0xFFFF0000U, /*RAM 1 START ADDR*/
> .end   = 0xFFFFFDFFU, /*RAM 1 END ADDR*/
> },{
> .begin = 0x41200000U, /*AXI GPIO*/
> .end   = 0x4120FFFFU, /*AXI GPIO*/
> }
> };
> BSP_START_TEXT_SECTION *void**zynq_setup_mmu_and_cache*(*void*)
> {
> uint32_tctrl = arm_cp15_start_setup_mmu_and_cache(
> );
> arm_cp15_start_setup_translation_table_and_enable_mmu_and_cache(
> ctrl,
> (uint32_t*) bsp_translation_table_base,
> &zynq_mmu_config_table[0],
> RTEMS_ARRAY_SIZE(zynq_mmu_config_table)
> );
> }
> Does anyone have an idea of as to what may be going on here?
> Thanks,
> Avi
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Sebastian Huber, embedded brains GmbH

Address : Dornierstr. 4, D-82178 Puchheim, Germany
Phone   : +49 89 189 47 41-16
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E-Mail  : sebastian.huber at embedded-brains.de
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