[PATCH 2/4] rtems_bsd: Improve the support for libbsd.

chrisj at rtems.org chrisj at rtems.org
Sun Jun 30 01:54:14 UTC 2019

From: Chris Johns <chrisj at rtems.org>

1. Better support for the configure process.
2. Add support to handle a network config file.
 rtems_bsd.py | 117 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 95 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

diff --git a/rtems_bsd.py b/rtems_bsd.py
index 13212de..f28ef1c 100644
--- a/rtems_bsd.py
+++ b/rtems_bsd.py
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ def init(ctx):
 def options(opt):
-    opt.add_option('--net-test-config',
+    opt.add_option('--net-config',
                    default = 'config.inc',
                    dest = 'net_config',
                    help = 'Network test configuration.')
@@ -49,29 +49,102 @@ def options(opt):
                    dest = 'rtems_libbsd',
                    help = 'Path to install RTEMS LibBSD (defauls to prefix).')
-def bsp_configure(conf, arch_bsp):
-    conf.check(header_name = 'dlfcn.h', features = 'c')
-    if not rtems.check_posix(conf):
-        conf.fatal("RTEMS kernel POSIX support is disabled; configure RTEMS with --enable-posix")
-    if rtems.check_networking(conf):
-        conf.fatal("RTEMS kernel contains the old network support; configure RTEMS with --disable-networking")
-    if conf.options.rtems_libbsd is None:
-        rtems_libbsd_path = conf.env.PREFIX
-    else:
-        if not os.path.exists(conf.options.rtems_libbsd):
-            conf.fatal('RTEMS LibBSD not found')
+def bsp_configure(conf, arch_bsp, mandatory = True):
+    configure = mandatory
+    if not mandatory and conf.options.rtems_libbsd is not None:
+        configure = True
+    if configure:
+        conf.msg('RTEMS LibBSD',
+                 rtems.arch(arch_bsp) + '/' + rtems.bsp(arch_bsp),
+                 'YELLOW')
+        conf.check(header_name = 'dlfcn.h', features = 'c')
+        if not rtems.check_posix(conf):
+            conf.fatal('RTEMS kernel POSIX support is disabled; ' +
+                       'configure RTEMS with --enable-posix')
+        if rtems.check_networking(conf):
+            conf.fatal('RTEMS kernel contains the old network support; ' +
+                       'configure RTEMS with --disable-networking')
         rtems_libbsd_path = conf.options.rtems_libbsd
+        if rtems_libbsd_path is None:
+            if conf.options.rtems is None:
+                rtems_libbsd_path = conf.options.rtems
+            else:
+                rtems_libbsd_path = conf.env.PREFIX
+        if not os.path.exists(rtems_libbsd_path):
+                conf.fatal('RTEMS LibBSD path not found: %s' % (rtems_libbsd_path))
-    rtems_libbsd_inc_path = os.path.join(rtems_libbsd_path,
-                                         rtems.arch_bsp_include_path(conf.env.RTEMS_VERSION,
+        rtems_libbsd_inc_path = os.path.join(rtems_libbsd_path,
+                                             rtems.arch_bsp_include_path(conf.env.RTEMS_VERSION,
-    rtems_libbsd_lib_path = os.path.join(rtems_libbsd_path,
-                                         rtems.arch_bsp_lib_path(conf.env.RTEMS_VERSION,
-                                                                 conf.env.RTEMS_ARCH_BSP))
+        rtems_libbsd_lib_path = os.path.join(rtems_libbsd_path,
+                                             rtems.arch_bsp_lib_path(conf.env.RTEMS_VERSION,
+                                                                     conf.env.RTEMS_ARCH_BSP))
+        conf.env.IFLAGS += [rtems_libbsd_inc_path]
+        conf.check(header_name = 'machine/rtems-bsd-sysinit.h',
+                   features = 'c',
+                   includes = conf.env.IFLAGS)
+        conf.env.RTEMS_LIBBSD = 'Yes'
+        conf.env.INCLUDES = conf.env.IFLAGS
+        conf.env.LIBPATH += [rtems_libbsd_lib_path]
+        conf.env.LIB += ['bsd', 'z', 'm']
+        configure_net_config(conf, arch_bsp)
+def configure_net_config(conf, arch_bsp):
+    if check_libbsd(conf) and conf.options.net_config is not None:
+        net_config = conf.options.net_config
+        if not os.path.exists(net_config):
+            conf.fatal('network configuraiton \'%s\' not found' % (net_config))
+        try:
+            net_cfg_lines = open(net_config).readlines()
+        except:
+            conf.fatal('network configuraiton \'%s\' read failed' % (net_config))
+        tags = [ 'NET_CFG_SELF_IP',
+                 'NET_CFG_NETMASK',
+                 'NET_CFG_PEER_IP',
+                 'NET_CFG_GATEWAY_IP' ]
+        lc = 0
+        sed = 'sed '
+        defines = []
+        for l in net_cfg_lines:
+            lc += 1
+            if l.strip().startswith('NET_CFG_'):
+                ls = l.split('=')
+                if len(ls) != 2:
+                    conf.fatal('network configuraiton \'%s\' ' + \
+                              'parse error: %d: %s' % (net_config, lc, l))
+                lhs = ls[0].strip()
+                rhs = ls[1].strip()
+                for t in tags:
+                    if lhs.startswith(t):
+                        conf.env[lhs] = rhs
+                        sed += "-e 's/@%s@/%s/'" % (lhs, rhs)
+                        defines += ['%s="%s"' % (lhs, rhs)]
+        conf.env.NET_CONFIG = net_config
+        conf.env.NET_CONFIG_SED = sed
+        conf.env.NET_CONFIG_DEFINES = ','.join(defines)
+        conf.msg('Net Config', 'found', 'YELLOW')
+def check_libbsd(ctx):
+    return rtems.check(ctx, 'RTEMS_LIBBSD')
-    conf.env.IFLAGS += [rtems_libbsd_inc_path]
-    conf.check(header_name = 'machine/rtems-bsd-sysinit.h', features = 'c', includes = conf.env.IFLAGS)
+def check_net_config(ctx):
+    return rtems.check(ctx, 'NET_CONFIG', setting = True)
-    conf.env.INCLUDES = conf.env.IFLAGS
-    conf.env.LIBPATH += [rtems_libbsd_lib_path]
-    conf.env.LIB += ['bsd', 'z', 'm']
+def net_config_header(ctx, target):
+    ctx(target = target,
+        source = "rtems_waf/network-config.h.in",
+        rule = sed + " < ${SRC} > ${TGT}",
+        update_outputs = True)
2.20.1 (Apple Git-117)

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