Potential SIS or RTEMS/libbsd problem

Jiri Gaisler jiri at gaisler.se
Fri May 31 20:58:03 UTC 2019

On 5/31/19 7:06 AM, Sebastian Huber wrote:
> On 27/05/2019 11:03, Jiri Gaisler wrote:
>> On 5/23/19 1:47 PM, Sebastian Huber wrote:
>>> On 22/05/2019 22:34, Jiri Gaisler wrote:
>>>> Adding a pseudo-random delay of 0 - 15 clocks to each trap/interrupt causes the test to pass on all cpu configurations with the default time slice (50)..! I am not sure what this means - it could be a hidden race condition, the algorithm might need some jitter to work or it could still be a simulator issue.
>>> Adding a pseudo-random delay to interrupts is probably not enough. Sometimes the atomic instructions are carried out with interrupts disabled. Would it be possible to add a pseudo-random delay to each of the instruction cycles per core?
>> I have pushed a patch to my sis repository at rtems.org that adds an emulated L1 cache to SMP configurations and also improves timing for a few instructions. The epoch.exe test now runs on both SPARC and RISC-V for 3 and 4 cpus. To pass on 2 cpus, a smaller time-slice in the simulator is needed, e.g. -d 17. Feel free to test...
> Thanks for your update, I cloned the repository and it builds fine on my machine. The instruction trace is really nice. If I have a bit of time I will try to figure out why the EBR algorithm ends up in the endless loop.

Good to hear. Note that epoch01 now passes for both SPARC and RISC-V even without the simulated L1 cache. This was done by adding proper timing to all MUL/DIV instructions and to add a more random delay to the trap response time.

I have pushed a small patch to fix some build problems on Cygwin and FreeBSD. I don't know how fast we want to progress, but I could prepare a patch for RSB to use the new sis repository and skip the sis patches for gdb. I guess this would also have include updating any documentation that refers to the old sis ...


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