[GSoC 2020]: Doubts in building RSB Recipe for EPICS for multiple architectures

Mritunjay Sharma mritunjaysharma394 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 28 18:43:16 UTC 2020

First of all apologies for a little late response,
please find the link to the blogs which tell how to Build EPICS7 with
RTEMS5 for pc-386 by hand here:

Part 1 :

Part 2:

Please do have a read and give me your feedback for improvements

On Mon, Jul 27, 2020 at 7:20 AM Chris Johns <chrisj at rtems.org> wrote:

> On 27/7/20 10:34 am, Mritunjay Sharma wrote:
> >
> > Please find the patch for PC for EPICS here
> >
> https://github.com/mritunjaysharma394/epics-mritunjay/blob/master/patches/0001-Added-Support-for-RTEMS-pc386.patch
> Thanks.
> > As an experiment, in the 4 patches I have sent to devel for RSB recipe a
> few
> > days pack, I worked on a local file. I will modify it to published
> source soon
> > in the next version of patch.
> Are the EPICS configure files just Makefiles?

I think so and more clarity can be given by Heinz on it.

> Can the variables altered in your patch be controlled from the command
> line?
> What does the `T_A` variables in EPICS mean? I see this is used here ...

I searched about it in the EPICS documentation and found that T_A variable
to 'T_A) is the current build’s target architecture'.
I tried to alter it using the command line but I think it didn't work or
maybe I was doing in
the wrong way? Heinz, can you comment on this?

> https://github.com/mritunjaysharma394/epics-mritunjay/blob/master/configure/CONFIG#L64
> If you look down from this there are some special includes ...
> https://github.com/mritunjaysharma394/epics-mritunjay/blob/master/configure/CONFIG#L113
> What are these files for?

I found this information about them in the documentation:

'User specific override definitions are allowed in user created files in the
user’s <home>/configure subdirectory. These override definitions will be
used for builds in all <top> directory structures. The files must have the
following names.


The link to the documentation is:


> > There are a few corrections in the blog that I have to make and then
> republish.
> > It’s a bit late here in India now and I am a bit sleepy. Please if you
> don’t
> > mind can I send the blog link in around 6-7 hrs from now?
> That fine. Thanks
> Chris
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