RTEMS Tester questions and issues

Cláudio Maia clrrm at isep.ipp.pt
Mon May 4 15:43:43 UTC 2020

Hello everyone,

I have a few questions and a few issues concerning RTEMS Tester which I would like to clarify with you.
Starting by the questions, these are the following:

- Is it possible to use RTEMS Tester to connect directly to a target board and run tests (similar to what is shown in the figure of https://docs.rtems.org/branches/master/user/testing/gdb-jtag.html)?
If so, can someone please show me how or provide me with the pages in the documentation where I can find this info.

- Somehow related to the above, let's assume that I want to access a remote SIS target and send some tests to this "remote instance", is it possible to achieve this scenario with RTEMS Tester?

- Moreover, in the above page it is mentioned that it is possible for RTEMS Tester to invoke the architecture target GDB and specify a GDB script that will be executed on the target. Again, I don't find information on the documentation or by looking at the list of arguments provided by the Tester. Could someone provide me with a reference or show me how to achieve this?

Now concerning the issues. I have noticed that running the RTEMS Tester using the following BSPs has issues, as follows:

-  "--rtems-bsp=leon3-qemu"

When using this BSP the following command line is used: "qemu-system-sparc -no-reboot -nographic -serial null -serial mon:stdio -M leon3_generic -kernel hello.exe" which invokes QEMU monitor and causes the test to be invalid.
However, if we remove "-serial null" the tests execute as expected.

>From "qemu.cfg", I've noticed that "-serial null -serial mon:stdio" is set if we do not use coverage:

%if %{defined coverage}
 %define qemu_use_serial_console


%if %{defined qemu_use_serial_console}
 %define qemu_opts_serial -monitor none -serial stdio
 %define qemu_opts_serial -serial null -serial mon:stdio

Is this the expected behaviour?

- "--rtems-bsp=leon3-run"

This BSP invokes sparc-rtems5-run, e.g. "sparc-rtems5-run -a -leon3 sparc-rtems5/c/leon3/testsuites/samples/hello.exe", which is not being generated anymore as it was discussed here:


and was the cause for removing "erc32-run.ini", as described here https://lists.rtems.org/pipermail/devel/2020-March/058563.html.

Can "leon3-run.ini" which is invoking "sparc-rtems5-run" be removed? Generally, can we assume that anything related to "sparc-rtems5-run" can be removed?


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