[PATCH] wscript: Apply test state expectations correctly

Kinsey Moore kinsey.moore at oarcorp.com
Mon Nov 23 16:21:21 UTC 2020

The variety of expected test states are not currently applied to tests
with names containing '-' correctly due to a failure to replace '-' with
'_' before adding the CPPFLAGS to the environment for that test. This
ensures that all additions of CPPFLAGS have that replacement performed
so that the CPPFLAGS are applied properly during compilation.
 wscript | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/wscript b/wscript
index 5ad93de453..f5b7629b3b 100755
--- a/wscript
+++ b/wscript
@@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ class OptionItem(Item):
         print("{} = {}".format(self.data["name"], value))
     def _do_append_test_cppflags(self, conf, name, state):
-        conf.env.append_value("TEST_" + name.upper() + "_CPPFLAGS", state)
+        conf.env.append_value("TEST_" + name.upper().replace("-", "_") + "_CPPFLAGS", state)
     def _append_test_cppflags(self, conf, cic, value, arg):
         self._do_append_test_cppflags(conf, arg, value)

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