RTEMS big comment conventions

Andrew Butterfield Andrew.Butterfield at scss.tcd.ie
Thu Oct 22 11:06:59 UTC 2020

Dear all,

In the RTEMS Software Engineering manual, Sec
it recommends excessively long comments be broken as follows:

/* first line
 * second line
 * third, and in this case last line */

In Sec
we see a copyright and license header which uses the following format convention:

 * first line
 * second line
 * third, and in this case last line 

Most RTEMS code I look at seems to follow this second approach,
or the following with only one asterisk on the first line
- particularly the comments that are used to generate Doxygen docs.

 * first line
 * second line
 * third, and in this case last line 

PS - I prefer this secon/third approach, particularly when the large comment
immediately precedes code.

I am developing code (C and Promela) for the qualification activity,
and want to start to get this right - so which should I use?

  Andrew Butterfield

Andrew Butterfield     Tel: +353-1-896-2517     Fax: +353-1-677-2204
Lero at TCD, Head of Software Foundations & Verification Research Group
School of Computer Science and Statistics,
Room G.39, O'Reilly Institute, Trinity College, University of Dublin

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