New validation test suites

Sebastian Huber sebastian.huber at
Tue Dec 14 07:24:33 UTC 2021

Hello Chris,

On 13/12/2021 22:01, Chris Johns wrote:
> On 14/12/21 1:53 am, Sebastian Huber wrote:
>> Hello,
>> the ESA activity to pre-qualify parts of RTEMS according to ECSS requirements is
>> nearly complete. There is a short presentation available here:
> Was the change in memory usage for 4.8 of 23812 bytes to 68896 explained?

The foot print increase has mainly five reasons:

* General GCC code generation

* Chip errata workarounds done by GCC

* More features used from RTEMS (for example uniprocessor 
synchronization done via task priorities vs. mutex synchronization)

* SMP support of RTEMS

* New RTEMS features such as transitive priority inheritance

>> We finished the specification of the pre-qualified RTEMS feature set. The
>> specification is available in an RTEMS Project repository:
> I had a quick look. Is there a more user friendly view of this data?
> I think the term "specification" is a little bit misleading because the data
> files are not easily read by a person. I understand this is the specification
> data set however it is not what I am traditionally use to seeing.

You can use the "./" script to get views of the 
specification.  For example, this command displays the transition map 
for the rtems_signal_send() directive:

./ --filter=action-table /rtems/signal/req/send 

.. table::
     :class: longtable

     ===== ========== ===== ======= ======= ======== ====== ====== 
============= =========
     Entry Descriptor Task  Set     Handler ASR      Nested Status 
Handler       Recursive
     ===== ========== ===== ======= ======= ======== ====== ====== 
============= =========
     0     0          NoObj Zero    Invalid Enabled  Yes    InvNum 
NoCall        No
     1     0          NoObj Zero    Invalid Enabled  No     InvNum 
NoCall        No
     2     0          NoObj Zero    Invalid Disabled Yes    InvNum 
NoCall        No
     3     0          NoObj Zero    Invalid Disabled No     InvNum 
NoCall        No
     4     0          NoObj Zero    Valid   Enabled  Yes    InvNum 
NoCall        No
     5     0          NoObj Zero    Valid   Enabled  No     InvNum 
NoCall        No
     6     0          NoObj Zero    Valid   Disabled Yes    InvNum 
NoCall        No
     7     0          NoObj Zero    Valid   Disabled No     InvNum 
NoCall        No
     8     1          NoObj NonZero Invalid Enabled  Yes    InvId 
NoCall        No
     9     1          NoObj NonZero Invalid Enabled  No     InvId 
NoCall        No
     10    1          NoObj NonZero Invalid Disabled Yes    InvId 
NoCall        No
     11    1          NoObj NonZero Invalid Disabled No     InvId 
NoCall        No
     12    1          NoObj NonZero Valid   Enabled  Yes    InvId 
NoCall        No
     13    1          NoObj NonZero Valid   Enabled  No     InvId 
NoCall        No
     14    1          NoObj NonZero Valid   Disabled Yes    InvId 
NoCall        No
     15    1          NoObj NonZero Valid   Disabled No     InvId 
NoCall        No
     16    0          Self  Zero    Invalid Enabled  Yes    InvNum 
NoCall        No
     17    0          Self  Zero    Invalid Enabled  No     InvNum 
NoCall        No
     18    0          Self  Zero    Invalid Disabled Yes    InvNum 
NoCall        No
     19    0          Self  Zero    Invalid Disabled No     InvNum 
NoCall        No
     20    0          Self  Zero    Valid   Enabled  Yes    InvNum 
NoCall        No
     21    0          Self  Zero    Valid   Enabled  No     InvNum 
NoCall        No
     22    0          Self  Zero    Valid   Disabled Yes    InvNum 
NoCall        No
     23    0          Self  Zero    Valid   Disabled No     InvNum 
NoCall        No
     24    2          Self  NonZero Invalid Enabled  Yes    NotDef 
NoCall        No
     25    2          Self  NonZero Invalid Enabled  No     NotDef 
NoCall        No
     26    2          Self  NonZero Invalid Disabled Yes    NotDef 
NoCall        No
     27    2          Self  NonZero Invalid Disabled No     NotDef 
NoCall        No
     28    6          Self  NonZero Valid   Enabled  Yes    Ok 
DuringSend    Yes
     29    4          Self  NonZero Valid   Enabled  No     Ok 
DuringSend    No
     30    3          Self  NonZero Valid   Disabled Yes    Ok 
AfterEnable   No
     31    3          Self  NonZero Valid   Disabled No     Ok 
AfterEnable   No
     32    0          Other Zero    Invalid Enabled  Yes    InvNum 
NoCall        No
     33    0          Other Zero    Invalid Enabled  No     InvNum 
NoCall        No
     34    0          Other Zero    Invalid Disabled Yes    InvNum 
NoCall        No
     35    0          Other Zero    Invalid Disabled No     InvNum 
NoCall        No
     36    0          Other Zero    Valid   Enabled  Yes    InvNum 
NoCall        No
     37    0          Other Zero    Valid   Enabled  No     InvNum 
NoCall        No
     38    0          Other Zero    Valid   Disabled Yes    InvNum 
NoCall        No
     39    0          Other Zero    Valid   Disabled No     InvNum 
NoCall        No
     40    2          Other NonZero Invalid Enabled  Yes    NotDef 
NoCall        No
     41    2          Other NonZero Invalid Enabled  No     NotDef 
NoCall        No
     42    2          Other NonZero Invalid Disabled Yes    NotDef 
NoCall        No
     43    2          Other NonZero Invalid Disabled No     NotDef 
NoCall        No
     44    7          Other NonZero Valid   Enabled  Yes    Ok 
AfterDispatch Yes
     45    5          Other NonZero Valid   Enabled  No     Ok 
AfterDispatch No
     46    3          Other NonZero Valid   Disabled Yes    Ok 
AfterEnable   No
     47    3          Other NonZero Valid   Disabled No     Ok 
AfterEnable   No
     ===== ========== ===== ======= ======= ======== ====== ====== 
============= =========

Here the same information in a different view, for each post-condition 
set the pre-condition sets are displayed:

./ --filter=action-list /rtems/signal/req/send

Status = Ok, Handler = DuringSend, Recursive = Yes

     * Task = Self, Set = NonZero, Handler = Valid, ASR = Enabled, 
Nested = Yes

Status = Ok, Handler = DuringSend, Recursive = No

     * Task = Self, Set = NonZero, Handler = Valid, ASR = Enabled, 
Nested = No

Status = Ok, Handler = AfterDispatch, Recursive = Yes

     * Task = Other, Set = NonZero, Handler = Valid, ASR = Enabled, 
Nested = Yes

Status = Ok, Handler = AfterDispatch, Recursive = No

     * Task = Other, Set = NonZero, Handler = Valid, ASR = Enabled, 
Nested = No

Status = Ok, Handler = AfterEnable, Recursive = No

     * Task = { Self, Other }, Set = NonZero, Handler = Valid, ASR = 
Disabled, Nested = { Yes, No }

Status = InvId, Handler = NoCall, Recursive = No

     * Task = NoObj, Set = NonZero, Handler = { Invalid, Valid }, ASR = 
{ Enabled, Disabled }, Nested = { Yes, No }

Status = NotDef, Handler = NoCall, Recursive = No

     * Task = { Self, Other }, Set = NonZero, Handler = Invalid, ASR = { 
Enabled, Disabled }, Nested = { Yes, No }

Status = InvNum, Handler = NoCall, Recursive = No

     * Task = { NoObj, Self, Other }, Set = Zero, Handler = { Invalid, 
Valid }, ASR = { Enabled, Disabled }, Nested = { Yes, No }

>> The validation tests are generated from the specification using the
>> "./" script and end up in the RTEMS sources of a Git submodule. I
>> think the specification and the generation tool is now sufficiently stable so
>> that the validation test code can be integrated in the RTEMS master branch. The
>> patch set is too big for the mailing list, so you can review it here:
> The link failed.

Yes, viewing my personal repository no longer works.  I am not sure if 
this is a temporary issue.  This is why I added the github link.

> The header in a test says the regeneration instructions are in the engineering
> manual but I could not quickly find them?

In an earlier version of the header, we had a link which you didn't like:

commit a6689fb147649a29ff5533cec8a53635e2c95ec6
Author: Sebastian Huber <sebastian.huber at>
Date:   Fri Jan 22 16:01:46 2021 +0100

     Improve file header comment in generated files

diff --git a/cpukit/include/rtems/rtems/types.h 
index 32b45113c8..a058eedea1 100644
--- a/cpukit/include/rtems/rtems/types.h
+++ b/cpukit/include/rtems/rtems/types.h
@@ -38,11 +38,15 @@
   * worded better please post a report or patch to an RTEMS mailing list
   * or raise a bug report:
- *
+ *
- * For information on updating and regenerating please refer to:
+ * For information on updating and regenerating please refer to the How-To
+ * section in the Software Requirements Engineering chapter of the
+ * RTEMS Software Engineering manual.  The manual is provided as a part of
+ * a release.  For development sources please refer to the online
+ * documentation at:
- *
+ *

  /* Generated from spec:/rtems/type/if/header */

>> The patch set is organized so that general support code for the validation tests
>> is added first and then there are commits for each pre-qualified Classic API
>> Manager or subsystem.
>> I did build all BSPs with the patch set. The validation tests use only
>> statically allocated resources.
> Are the validation tests compatible with rtems-test?


> How many test executables does this add to the testsuite?

If RTEMS_SMP is disabled, then there are 19 new executables in the patch 
set. If RTEMS_SMP is enable, then there are 28 new executables.

> What hardware have the validation tests been run on? Any tier 1 archs?

I tested with the sparc/leon3 BSPs and the arm/realview_pbx_a9_qemu. You 
need a full implementation of the new Interrupt Manager directives and a 
working Cache Manager implementation.

I noticed an issue with the thread restart on aarch64/a53_lp64_qemu.

On powerpc/psim there is an issue in one test case, due to:


Another issue is that the tm27 interrupt must be independent of the 
clock driver interrupt.  This is not the case for powerpc/psim.

There is definitely some work left to cover all edge cases. Some tests 
are quite complicated.

> Is there anything that interprets the new test output format? It looks like lots
> of great info but a little difficult to read.

EDISOFT worked on a test report generator, however, it is not yet in a 
reviewable state.

>> Some low memory targets are not able to link all test suites.
> Are these excluded in the normal way?


embedded brains GmbH
Herr Sebastian HUBER
Dornierstr. 4
82178 Puchheim
email: sebastian.huber at
phone: +49-89-18 94 741 - 16
fax:   +49-89-18 94 741 - 08

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Vertretungsberechtigte Geschäftsführer: Peter Rasmussen, Thomas Dörfler
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