CAN driver message structure

Prashanth S fishesprashanth at
Tue Apr 12 00:40:02 UTC 2022

Hi All,

This is to query on CAN message format for CAN drivers.

I want to implement a CAN driver for BeagleBone Black in RTEMS(GSoC).

As I looked through the RTEMS Source Tree, found
CAN drivers, which have driver specific CAN message structure.
struct can_message {
  /* uint16_t mess_len; */
  uint16_t mess_id;
  uint16_t mess_time_stamp;
  uint8_t  mess_data[MSCAN_MAX_DATA_BYTES];
  uint8_t  mess_len;
  uint8_t  mess_rtr;
  uint32_t toucan_tx_idx;
typedef union {
  low_level_can_message low_level;
  registers_can_message registers;
 } can_message;

I would like to know if I should define a driver dependent CAN message
structure or use one of the existing ones.

Ideally, I think a generic (driver independent) CAN message structure will
help applications to be portable.

Prashanth S

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