Joel Sherrill joel at rtems.org
Mon Feb 21 16:20:42 UTC 2022

On Mon, Feb 21, 2022 at 5:28 AM <dave at synergy.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> Is there a current Quick Start/Ada document for version 5?  I've chased some
> older versions.  I have a running C/C++ environment, but I'd like to convert
> over to Ada.

Building the tools only requires adding --with-ada to the RSB line you used
to build C and C++ tools.


This should be a functional Ada example but I don't recall when I last built it
to be sure. I know I have provided someone with a working one in the past
few months.

This should just work if you are on one of the architectures GNAT supports.
And that's most of them. As a disclaimer, mapping fro hardware exceptions
like floating point to Ada exceptions requires architecture specific support
which is not available on all architectures. Patches welcomed.


>         Regards,
>         David
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