[PATCH v4 1/7] bsps/stm32f4 Include STM32F4 HAL

oss at c-mauderer.de oss at c-mauderer.de
Sat Jul 23 08:31:36 UTC 2022

Hello Duc,

Am 23.07.22 um 09:37 schrieb Duc Doan:
> Hello Karel,
> On Sat, 2022-07-23 at 09:09 +0200, Karel Gardas wrote:
>> Duc,
>> where have you taken F4 HAL exactly? I'm asking since your import is
>> full of CRLF line endings which we try hard to eliminate in RTEMS
>> while
>> original is not. Proof:
>> $ git clone https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/STM32CubeF4.git
>> Cloning into 'STM32CubeF4'...
>> remote: Enumerating objects: 75365, done.
>> remote: Counting objects: 100% (1271/1271), done.
>> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (48/48), done.
>> remote: Total 75365 (delta 1231), reused 1229 (delta 1221), pack-
>> reused
>> 74094
>> Receiving objects: 100% (75365/75365), 157.59 MiB | 6.87 MiB/s, done.
>> Resolving deltas: 100% (46903/46903), done.
>> Updating files: 100% (39125/39125), done.
>> rtems at silence:~/vcs$ cd STM32CubeF4/
>> rtems at silence:~/vcs/STM32CubeF4$
>> rtems at silence:~/vcs/STM32CubeF4$
>> rtems at silence:~/vcs/STM32CubeF4$ git ls-files --eol|grep crlf
>> rtems at silence:~/vcs/STM32CubeF4$
>> Please use the command above to review your CRLF files.
>> Thanks,
>> Karel
> I took the HAL from ST's website by downloading the zip. And yes, when
> I tried the command, all HAL files have CRLF. I will remove them in the
> next patch set.

Have you thought about using the STM32CubeF4 repo that Karel linked 
instead of the ZIP file as a source?

Can you please add the source for your files to the commit description? 
If you used a zip, provide the link, date, version (if available) and 
maybe a checksum of the file. If you used a git repository (which I 
would prefer), provide a link and the commit ID. That makes it simpler 
to some when find the sources that you used.

Best regards


> Thanks for the reminder,
> Duc Doan
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