[PATCH 34/40] bsps/powerpc/gen5200: Manual file header clean up

Christian Mauderer christian.mauderer at embedded-brains.de
Mon Mar 7 13:23:32 UTC 2022

This cleans some of the more complex headers including IPR.

Updates #4625.
 bsps/powerpc/gen5200/ata/pcmcia_ide.c |  96 +++++-----------------
 bsps/powerpc/gen5200/ata/pcmcia_ide.h |  78 ++++--------------
 bsps/powerpc/gen5200/nvram/m93cxx.h   | 101 +++++++----------------
 bsps/powerpc/gen5200/nvram/nvram.c    | 110 ++++++++------------------
 4 files changed, 94 insertions(+), 291 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bsps/powerpc/gen5200/ata/pcmcia_ide.c b/bsps/powerpc/gen5200/ata/pcmcia_ide.c
index ca1c98d250..33d6162c17 100644
--- a/bsps/powerpc/gen5200/ata/pcmcia_ide.c
+++ b/bsps/powerpc/gen5200/ata/pcmcia_ide.c
@@ -1,79 +1,23 @@
-| Project: RTEMS generic MPC5200 BSP                              |
-| Partially based on the code references which are named below.   |
-| Adaptions, modifications, enhancements and any recent parts of  |
-| the code are:                                                   |
-|                    Copyright (c) 2005                           |
-|                    embedded brains GmbH                         |
-|                    Obere Lagerstr. 30                           |
-|                    82178 Puchheim                             |
-|                    Germany                                      |
-|                    rtems at embedded-brains.de                     |
-| The license and distribution terms for this file may be         |
-| found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at            |
-|                                                                 |
-| http://www.rtems.org/license/LICENSE.                           |
-|                                                                 |
-| this file contains the PCMCIA IDE access functions              |
-/*                                                                     */
-/*   Module:       pcmcia_ide.c                                        */
-/*   Date:         07/17/2003                                          */
-/*   Purpose:      RTEMS MPC5x00 PCMCIA IDE harddisk driver            */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*   Description:                                                      */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*   Code                                                              */
-/*   References:   RTEMS MBX8xx PCMCIA IDE harddisc driver             */
-/*   Module:       pcmcia_ide.c                                        */
-/*   Project:      RTEMS 4.6.0pre1 / Mbx8xx BSP                        */
-/*   Version                                                           */
-/*   Date:         01/14/2003                                          */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*   Author(s) / Copyright(s):                                         */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*                    Copyright (c) 2003 IMD                           */
-/*      Ingenieurbuero fuer Microcomputertechnik Th. Doerfler          */
-/*               <Thomas.Doerfler at imd-systems.de>                      */
-/*                       all rights reserved                           */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*  this file contains the BSP layer for PCMCIA IDE access below the   */
-/*  libchip IDE harddisc driver based on a board specific driver from  */
-/*  Eugeny S. Mints, Oktet                                             */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*  The license and distribution terms for this file may be            */
-/*  found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at               */
-/*  http://www.rtems.org/license/LICENSE.                         */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*   Partially based on the code references which are named above.     */
-/*   Adaptions, modifications, enhancements and any recent parts of    */
-/*   the code are under the right of                                   */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*         IPR Engineering, Dachauer Straße 38, D-80335 München        */
-/*                        Copyright(C) 2003                            */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*   IPR Engineering makes no representation or warranties with        */
-/*   respect to the performance of this computer program, and          */
-/*   specifically disclaims any responsibility for any damages,        */
-/*   special or consequential, connected with the use of this program. */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*   Version history:  1.0                                             */
-/*                                                                     */
+ * RTEMS generic MPC5200 BSP
+ *
+ * RTEMS MPC5x00 PCMCIA IDE harddisk driver
+ *
+ * This file contains the BSP layer for PCMCIA IDE access below the
+ * libchip IDE harddisc driver based on a board specific driver from
+ * Eugeny S. Mints, Oktet
+ */
+ * Copyright (c) 2003 IMD Ingenieurbuero fuer Microcomputertechnik Th. Doerfler.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2003 IPR Engineering
+ * Copyright (c) 2005 embedded brains GmbH. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * The license and distribution terms for this file may be
+ * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at
+ * http://www.rtems.org/license/LICENSE.
+ */
 #include <sys/param.h>
 #include <rtems.h>
diff --git a/bsps/powerpc/gen5200/ata/pcmcia_ide.h b/bsps/powerpc/gen5200/ata/pcmcia_ide.h
index 31569b324a..7dd7c9b63e 100644
--- a/bsps/powerpc/gen5200/ata/pcmcia_ide.h
+++ b/bsps/powerpc/gen5200/ata/pcmcia_ide.h
@@ -1,66 +1,18 @@
-| Project: RTEMS generic MPC5200 BSP                              |
-| Partially based on the code references which are named below.   |
-| Adaptions, modifications, enhancements and any recent parts of  |
-| the code are:                                                   |
-|                    Copyright (c) 2005                           |
-|                    embedded brains GmbH                         |
-|                    Obere Lagerstr. 30                           |
-|                    82178 Puchheim                             |
-|                    Germany                                      |
-|                    rtems at embedded-brains.de                     |
-| The license and distribution terms for this file may be         |
-| found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at            |
-|                                                                 |
-| http://www.rtems.org/license/LICENSE.                           |
-|                                                                 |
-| this file contains declarations for the PCMCIA IDE Interface    |
-/*                                                                     */
-/*   Module:       pcmcia_ide.h                                        */
-/*   Date:         17/07/2003                                          */
-/*   Purpose:      RTEMS MPC5x00 PCMCIA IDE harddisk header file       */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*   Description:                                                      */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*   Code                                                              */
-/*   References:   none                                                */
-/*   Module:                                                           */
-/*   Project:                                                          */
-/*   Version                                                           */
-/*   Date:                                                             */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*   Author(s) / Copyright(s):                                         */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*   Partially based on the code references which are named above.     */
-/*   Adaptions, modifications, enhancements and any recent parts of    */
-/*   the code are under the right of                                   */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*         IPR Engineering, Dachauer Straße 38, D-80335 München        */
-/*                        Copyright(C) 2003                            */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*   IPR Engineering makes no representation or warranties with        */
-/*   respect to the performance of this computer program, and          */
-/*   specifically disclaims any responsibility for any damages,        */
-/*   special or consequential, connected with the use of this program. */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*   Version history:  1.0                                             */
-/*                                                                     */
+ * RTEMS generic MPC5200 BSP
+ *
+ * RTEMS MPC5x00 PCMCIA IDE harddisk header file
+ * This file contains declarations for the PCMCIA IDE Interface.
+ */
+ * Copyright (c) 2003 IPR Engineering
+ * Copyright (c) 2005 embedded brains GmbH. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * The license and distribution terms for this file may be
+ * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at
+ * http://www.rtems.org/license/LICENSE.
+ */
 #ifndef __PCMCIA_IDE_h
 #define __PCMCIA_IDE_h
diff --git a/bsps/powerpc/gen5200/nvram/m93cxx.h b/bsps/powerpc/gen5200/nvram/m93cxx.h
index ab88eb1bf9..0c9034bfca 100644
--- a/bsps/powerpc/gen5200/nvram/m93cxx.h
+++ b/bsps/powerpc/gen5200/nvram/m93cxx.h
@@ -1,77 +1,30 @@
-| Project: RTEMS generic MPC5200 BSP                              |
-| Partially based on the code references which are named below.   |
-| Adaptions, modifications, enhancements and any recent parts of  |
-| the code are:                                                   |
-|                    Copyright (c) 2005                           |
-|                    embedded brains GmbH                         |
-|                    Obere Lagerstr. 30                           |
-|                    82178 Puchheim                             |
-|                    Germany                                      |
-|                    rtems at embedded-brains.de                     |
-| The license and distribution terms for this file may be         |
-| found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at            |
-|                                                                 |
-| http://www.rtems.org/license/LICENSE.                           |
-|                                                                 |
-| this file contains definitions for the M93Cxx EEPROM devices    |
-/*                                                                     */
-/*   Module:       m93cxx.h                                            */
-/*   Date:         07/17/2003                                          */
-/*   Purpose:      RTEMS M93C64-based header file                      */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*   Description:  M93C46 is a serial microwire EEPROM which contains  */
-/*                 1Kbit (128 bytes/64 words) of non-volatile memory.  */
-/*                 The device can be configured for byte- or word-     */
-/*                 access. The driver provides a file-like interface   */
-/*                 to this memory.                                     */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*                 MPC5x00 PIN settings:                               */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*                 PSC3_6 (output) -> MC93C46 serial data in    (D)    */
-/*                 PSC3_7 (input)  -> MC93C46 serial data out   (Q)    */
-/*                 PSC3_8 (output) -> MC93C46 chip select input (S)    */
-/*                 PSC3_9 (output) -> MC93C46 serial clock      (C)    */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*   Code                                                              */
-/*   References:   none                                                */
-/*   Module:                                                           */
-/*   Project:                                                          */
-/*   Version                                                           */
-/*   Date:                                                             */
-/*   Author:                                                           */
-/*   Copyright:                                                        */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*   Partially based on the code references which are named above.     */
-/*   Adaptions, modifications, enhancements and any recent parts of    */
-/*   the code are under the right of                                   */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*         IPR Engineering, Dachauer Straße 38, D-80335 München        */
-/*                        Copyright(C) 2003                            */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*   IPR Engineering makes no representation or warranties with        */
-/*   respect to the performance of this computer program, and          */
-/*   specifically disclaims any responsibility for any damages,        */
-/*   special or consequential, connected with the use of this program. */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*   Version history:  1.0                                             */
-/*                                                                     */
+ * RTEMS generic MPC5200 BSP
+ *
+ * This file contains definitions for the M93Cxx EEPROM devices.
+ *
+ * M93C46 is a serial microwire EEPROM which contains
+ * 1Kbit (128 bytes/64 words) of non-volatile memory.
+ * The device can be configured for byte- or word-
+ * access. The driver provides a file-like interface
+ * to this memory.
+ *
+ * MPC5x00 PIN settings:
+ *
+ * PSC3_6 (output) -> MC93C46 serial data in    (D)
+ * PSC3_7 (input)  -> MC93C46 serial data out   (Q)
+ * PSC3_8 (output) -> MC93C46 chip select input (S)
+ * PSC3_9 (output) -> MC93C46 serial clock      (C)
+ */
+ * Copyright (c) 2005 embedded brains GmbH. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2003 IPR Engineering
+ *
+ * The license and distribution terms for this file may be
+ * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at
+ * http://www.rtems.org/license/LICENSE.
+ */
 #ifndef __M93CXX_H__
 #define __M93CXX_H__
diff --git a/bsps/powerpc/gen5200/nvram/nvram.c b/bsps/powerpc/gen5200/nvram/nvram.c
index 11f22f82ab..742e06f628 100644
--- a/bsps/powerpc/gen5200/nvram/nvram.c
+++ b/bsps/powerpc/gen5200/nvram/nvram.c
@@ -1,81 +1,35 @@
-| Project: RTEMS generic MPC5200 BSP                              |
-| Partially based on the code references which are named below.   |
-| Adaptions, modifications, enhancements and any recent parts of  |
-| the code are:                                                   |
-|                    Copyright (c) 2005                           |
-|                    embedded brains GmbH                         |
-|                    Obere Lagerstr. 30                           |
-|                    82178 Puchheim                             |
-|                    Germany                                      |
-|                    rtems at embedded-brains.de                     |
-| The license and distribution terms for this file may be         |
-| found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at            |
-|                                                                 |
-| http://www.rtems.org/license/LICENSE.                           |
-|                                                                 |
-| this file contains the nvram functions                          |
-/*                                                                     */
-/*   Module:       nvram.c                                             */
-/*   Date:         07/17/2003                                          */
-/*   Purpose:      RTEMS M93C64-based NV memory device driver          */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*   Description:  M93C46 is a serial microwire EEPROM which contains  */
-/*                 1Kbit (128 bytes/64 words) of non-volatile memory.  */
-/*                 The device can be coigured for byte- or word-       */
-/*                 access. The driver provides a file-like interface   */
-/*                 to this memory.                                     */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*                 MPC5x00 PIN settings:                               */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*                 PSC3_6 (output) -> MC93C46 serial data in    (D)    */
-/*                 PSC3_7 (input)  -> MC93C46 serial data out   (Q)    */
-/*                 PSC3_8 (output) -> MC93C46 chip select input (S)    */
-/*                 PSC3_9 (output) -> MC93C46 serial clock      (C)    */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*   Code                                                              */
-/*   References:   DS1307-based Non-Volatile memory device driver      */
-/*   Module:       nvram.c                                             */
-/*   Project:      RTEMS 4.6.0pre1 / MCF5206Elite BSP                  */
-/*   Version       1.2                                                 */
-/*   Date:         11/04/2002                                          */
-/*   Author:       Victor V. Vengerov                                  */
-/*   Copyright:    Copyright (C) 2000 OKTET Ltd.,St.-Petersburg,Russia */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*   The license and distribution terms for this file may be           */
-/*   found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at              */
-/*   http://www.rtems.org/license/LICENSE.                        */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*   Partially based on the code references which are named above.     */
-/*   Adaptions, modifications, enhancements and any recent parts of    */
-/*   the code are under the right of                                   */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*         IPR Engineering, Dachauer Straße 38, D-80335 München        */
-/*                        Copyright(C) 2003                            */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*   IPR Engineering makes no representation or warranties with        */
-/*   respect to the performance of this computer program, and          */
-/*   specifically disclaims any responsibility for any damages,        */
-/*   special or consequential, connected with the use of this program. */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*                                                                     */
-/*   Version history:  1.0                                             */
-/*                                                                     */
+ * RTEMS generic MPC5200 BSP
+ * 
+ * RTEMS M93C64-based NV memory device driver.
+ *
+ * M93C46 is a serial microwire EEPROM which contains
+ * 1Kbit (128 bytes/64 words) of non-volatile memory.
+ * The device can be coigured for byte- or word-
+ * access. The driver provides a file-like interface
+ * to this memory.
+ *
+ * MPC5x00 PIN settings:
+ *
+ * PSC3_6 (output) -> MC93C46 serial data in    (D)
+ * PSC3_7 (input)  -> MC93C46 serial data out   (Q)
+ * PSC3_8 (output) -> MC93C46 chip select input (S)
+ * PSC3_9 (output) -> MC93C46 serial clock      (C)
+ *
+ * Based on: DS1307-based Non-Volatile memory device driver from Victor V.
+ * Vengerov.
+ */
+ * Copyright (C) 2000 OKTET Ltd.,St.-Petersburg,Russia
+ * Author: Victor V. Vengerov
+ * Copyright (c) 2003 IPR Engineering
+ * Copyright (c) 2005 embedded brains GmbH. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * The license and distribution terms for this file may be
+ * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at
+ * http://www.rtems.org/license/LICENSE.
+ */
 #include <rtems.h>
 #include <rtems/libio.h>

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