STM32H7 HAL update, merge ready.

Karel Gardas karel at
Thu Mar 10 17:16:57 UTC 2022

On 3/10/22 16:10, Sebastian Huber wrote:
>> If you would like to review changes in HAL files, then you may diff 
>> original merged projects files. They both are on so you can 
>> investigate either there or on local copy. But this is HAL code, 
>> something STMicro provided and I don't see any point in dealing with 
>> that -- unless there is some bug to report...
> It is quite likely that this update breaks something and a reviewable 
> history could help here. Another option would be to do the updates in 
> smaller steps so that a git bisect is more effective.

Have a look into


do you see? Even STMicro provides basically one big commit per whole 
package version number increase.

Conclusion: there is no point in doing what you suggest since you will 
not be able to bisect between smaller changes due to upstream choice of 
providing *BIG* code drops per commit.

Agree or not?


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