RTEMS-libbsd freebsd-org submodule would require update in order to import genet drivers. Suggestions?

Noor Aman nooraman5718 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 4 17:18:44 UTC 2023

Hi Alan,

> If you have not done so already, would it be worth trying to build and
> initialize the current libbsd with a loopback driver?

I haven't done it so far, This might help. Thanks.

Are there other devices on the RPI4 such as the SD card or USB that may be
> usable in the current libbsd on the Pi 4?

The only thing which I think might be compatible would be arasan SD card
drivers. And every other peripheral's drivers isn't present in the current
rtems-libbsd state.

I know it will not get you the ethernet driver you need, but having an
> environment that runs on the board might be a step in the right direction.
> How hard do you think it would be to backport the ethernet driver to the
> current rtems-libbsd release?

I'm not sure how difficult it would be to backport since it's a major
release (backporting from 13.x to 12.x). It will take a while to figure all
that out.
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