Tool versions for RTEMS 6.1 release?

Sebastian Huber sebastian.huber at
Fri Jun 30 09:43:42 UTC 2023

Hello Karel,

On 30.06.23 11:40, Karel Gardas wrote:
> so what is the best way to test GCC 13.2 with RTEMS 6? Is
> ../source-builder/sb-set-builder --prefix=<prefix> 
> --with-rtems-gcc=tools/rtems-gcc-13-newlib-head 6/rtems-all
> canonical way how to build those tools for RTEMS 6? Or is there some 
> trickery involved I do not see yet?

yes, this should work.

Once GCC 13.2 is release I will add a



embedded brains GmbH
Herr Sebastian HUBER
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