Bug #4923: ARM VFP context switch fix
Sebastian Huber
sebastian.huber at embedded-brains.de
Wed Feb 7 07:15:32 UTC 2024
Hello Cedric,
thanks for having a look at this.
On 06.02.24 16:37, Cedric Berger wrote:
> Hello,
> I've started to investigate bug #4923.
> A first problem can be found after applying the following patch to the
> paranoia.exe test:
> https://devel.rtems.org/attachment/ticket/4923/bug-1-make-paranoia-test-fail.patch
> The test fails because of the added sleep(1) at the beginning of Init()
> and the CONFIGURE_STACK_CHECKER_ENABLED option which poisons the stack.
> What I have been able to observe is something like this:
> 1) Because of the sleep(1) call, RTEMS goes through a INIT->IDLE->INIT
> pair of context switches.
> 2) The first context switch goes through _Thread_Dispatch_direct, which
> does not use an ARMv7 exception frame save/restore.
> 3) In _CPU_Context_switch(), the FPSCR register is not saved/restored.
This is related to:
> 4) After the 1s sleep ends, the second context switch originate with
> _ARMV7M_Pendable_service_call()
> 5) In _ARMV7M_Pendable_service_call(), a new stack frame is generaterd
> (--ef;) but only partially initalized with PC and XPSR. Everything else
> on that exception frame comes from the poisonned stack.
The _ARMV7M_Pendable_service_call() and _ARMV7M_Supervisor_call() work
as a team. The --ef and ++ef is there to preserve the original exception
frame across the jump to and from _ARMV7M_Thread_dispatch().
void _ARMV7M_Pendable_service_call( void )
Per_CPU_Control *cpu_self = _Per_CPU_Get();
* We must check here if a thread dispatch is allowed. Right after a
* "msr basepri_max, %[basepri]" instruction an interrupt service may
* take place. However, pendable service calls that are activated during
* this interrupt service may be delayed until interrupts are enable
if (
( cpu_self->isr_nest_level |
cpu_self->thread_dispatch_disable_level ) == 0
) {
ARMV7M_Exception_frame *ef;
cpu_self->isr_nest_level = 1;
At this point, the floating point context should be saved on the
exception frame. The FPCCR.LSPACT bit should be 0, to indicate that lazy
state preservation is no longer active.
ef = (ARMV7M_Exception_frame *) _ARMV7M_Get_PSP();
_ARMV7M_Set_PSP( (uint32_t) ef );
This new exception frame is just there to jump to
_ARMV7M_Thread_dispatch(). Here could be the problem, maybe we have to
set FPCCR.LSPACT to 1, so that we do not restore a garbage FP state, see
* According to "ARMv7-M Architecture Reference Manual" section B1.5.6
* "Exception entry behavior" the return address is half-word aligned.
ef->register_pc = (void *)
((uintptr_t) _ARMV7M_Thread_dispatch & ~((uintptr_t) 1));
ef->register_xpsr = 0x01000000U;
void _ARMV7M_Supervisor_call( void )
Per_CPU_Control *cpu_self = _Per_CPU_Get();
ARMV7M_Exception_frame *ef;
ef = (ARMV7M_Exception_frame *) _ARMV7M_Get_PSP();
_ARMV7M_Set_PSP( (uint32_t) ef );
cpu_self->isr_nest_level = 0;
if ( cpu_self->dispatch_necessary ) {
> 6) Because of that, the FPU registers S0-S15 and FPSCR is loaded with
> garbage.
> 7) This garbage is transfered to the Init task after
> _CPU_Context_switch(). It does not matter for S0-S15 because they don't
> need to be preserved across function calls, but for FPSCR it matters.
> 8) With the bogus FPSCR, pow(2.0, 1.0) returns 1.9999999999, which
> breaks the paranoia FPU tests and our javascript engine :)
> I might have missed something, but with the two following fixes, the
> problem goes away:
> 1)
> https://devel.rtems.org/attachment/ticket/4923/fix-1-save-and-restore-fpscr.patch
> This patch explicitely save/restore the FPSCR in _CPU_Context_switch()
> 2)
> https://devel.rtems.org/attachment/ticket/4923/fix-2-clean-initial-thread-frame.patch
> This patch prevents the uninitialized or poisoned stack data to be
> loaded into the VFP registers.
> There is still a lot that I need to test and what I don't understand,
> but what do you guys think about these 2 patches?
Saving and restoring the FPSCR could make sense independent of the
current issue. However, I am not sure if we really need it.
Could you please test also if this patch alone fixes the problem?
diff --git a/cpukit/score/cpu/arm/armv7m-isr-dispatch.c
index 5ab9d1fae2..b30197c45b 100644
--- a/cpukit/score/cpu/arm/armv7m-isr-dispatch.c
+++ b/cpukit/score/cpu/arm/armv7m-isr-dispatch.c
@@ -78,6 +78,9 @@ void _ARMV7M_Pendable_service_call( void )
+ _ARMV7M_SCB->fpccr |= 0x1;
ef = (ARMV7M_Exception_frame *) _ARMV7M_Get_PSP();
embedded brains GmbH & Co. KG
Herr Sebastian HUBER
Dornierstr. 4
82178 Puchheim
email: sebastian.huber at embedded-brains.de
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