Naming convention for Rust target platforms

Sebastian Huber sebastian.huber at
Tue Jan 30 10:07:59 UTC 2024

Hello Jan,

On 29.01.24 19:41, Jan.Sommer at wrote:
> So, for the Zynq and similar BSPs this would yield for the Rust target
> something like: armv7a-rtems6-eabihf (and possibly armv7a-rtems6-eabi).
> Similarly, for other ARM BSPs additional Rust targets would need to be
> added. Which might add up to quite a  number of Rust targets over time.
> Is this fine or do you see another solution?

how are the GCC machine flags determined (for linking)? Are they derived 
from the target name?

embedded brains GmbH & Co. KG
Herr Sebastian HUBER
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