[RFC] generic CAN/CAN FD susbsytem for RTEMS from scratch - online documentation
Michal Lenc
michallenc at seznam.cz
Sun May 26 12:05:28 UTC 2024
I have created the draft merge request
https://gitlab.rtems.org/rtems/rtos/rtems/-/merge_requests/49 so we can
move the review process there.
Best regards,
On 23. 05. 24 7:17, Christian MAUDERER wrote:
> Hello Michal,
> On 2024-05-22 19:49, Michal Lenc wrote:
>> Hello,
>> thank you for the feedback.
>>> Do you plan to add the subsystem to the RTEMS core or do you want to
>>> integrate it as an add-on library? In the first case, your code most
>>> likely gets more attention if you integrate it into RTEMS and create
>>> a (draft) merge request.
>> The plan is to add it to the RTEMS core. Source code to
>> cpukit/dev/can (with CTU CAN FD driver in ctucanfd subdirectory) and
>> headers to cpukit/include/dev/can. So from this point of view, draft
>> merge request is possible. I will take a look into it in few days.
>> Regarding headers and their organization, we have done some code
>> refactor for more sensible and comprehensible usage. I have described
>> it in detail at web manual:
>> https://otrees.pages.fel.cvut.cz/rtems/rtems-canfd/doc/can/can-html/can.html.
>> Applications have to include can.h - this defines CAN frame
>> structure, ioctls and other defines for API (some of these are
>> included through other headers for better code structure, but the
>> application just has to include can.h). Controller drivers include
>> can-devcommon.h. These are mostly structures moved from can.h that
>> are not use for API but only for the controller (can_chip structure,
>> functions to filter frames to FIFO etc.). BSP that registers CAN bus
>> into /dev namespace includes can-bus.h (+ controller specific header)
>> which provides function can_bus_register().
> Great. Thank you.
>> The plan is to install all of these headers even if they are not
>> primarily intended to be used from an application. But we think it
>> may be useful to provide the interface to create and register
>> user-specific driver even from the application if someone has special
>> needs surpassing the CAN stack capabilities.
> OK.
> Best regards
> Christian
>> Best regards,
>> Michal
>> On 21. 05. 24 9:09, Christian MAUDERER wrote:
>>> Hello Michal,
>>> On 2024-05-18 14:09, Michal Lenc wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>>> Code review without patches or a review system is always a bit
>>>>> more effort because there is nothing to add comments directly. It
>>>>> seems that I can't register on the gitlab instance that you
>>>>> provided. So let's try it here.
>>>> I already have an account on RTEMS gitlab so I can make my RTEMS
>>>> fork and put the code there for next part of the review.
>>> Do you plan to add the subsystem to the RTEMS core or do you want to
>>> integrate it as an add-on library? In the first case, your code most
>>> likely gets more attention if you integrate it into RTEMS and create
>>> a (draft) merge request.
>>>>> Test or demo apps. So most likely not relevant for a review:
>>>> Yes, those will not be going to mainline. I will write special
>>>> testsuite application to test basic interface, similarly to SPI
>>>> testsuite, for this.
>>>>> *Style*: I would suggest to group defines a bit more. You already
>>>>> used prefixes like RTEMS_CAN_QUEUE_* which is great. You can
>>>>> improve that a bit more if you use Doxygen "@name" and "@{" ...
>>>>> "@}". For an example take a look at
>>>> Added.
>>>>> *Question*: Why do you prefix some defines with RTEMS (like
>>>>> RTEMS_CAN_CHIP_MODE) and others don't have that prefix (like
>>>>> CAN_CTRLMODE_LOOPBACK)? The same is true for some other defines in
>>>>> other files. I won't mention it every time.
>>>> We have tried to make a difference between generic CAN defines like
>>>> modes, flags or errors and strictly RTEMS specific stuff like ioctl
>>>> calls, queue directions and so on. I am not entirely sure whether
>>>> our approach is correct, but there might be some benefits from
>>>> having CAN defines without prefix (some of these defines may be
>>>> even compatible between different systems).
>>> Sounds sensible.
>>>>> *Style*: Sometimes you use Doxygen @brief. Sometimes \ref. I think
>>>>> it works, but it's a bit odd.
>>>> That's caused by my inexperience with Doxygen, changed \ref to @ref.
>>>>> *Question*: You have ioctls like RTEMS_CAN_DISCARD_QUEUES.
>>>>> According to the description, that ioctl has a parameter. Why is
>>>>> it an _IO and not an _IOW? The same is true for some more of the
>>>>> _IO ioctls
>>>> From Linux kernel documentation
>>>> https://docs.kernel.org/driver-api/ioctl.html#command-number-definitions
>>>> _IOW/_IOR is used if pointer to data is passed to/from kernel. If
>>>> command with no argument or just integer argument is used, then _IO
>>>> should be used. I have not found such a description in RTEMS, but I
>>>> suppose the rules are the same?
>>> Yes, the same rules apply. I missed that there is an exception for
>>> integer arguments. So that's my fault.
>>>>> *Typo*: The description of RTEMS_CAN_GET_BITTIMING has a "geets"
>>>>> in it's comment.
>>>> Fixed.
>>>>> *Note*: struct can_chip_ops doesn't have a description.
>>>> Good point, added. I have also changed check_bittiming to
>>>> check_and_set_bittiming, it is more fitting.
>>>>> *Detail*: can_bus_register(...) and can_bitrate2bittiming are
>>>>> missing a description. If they are a public interface, it would be
>>>>> good if they would have one.
>>>> Added.
>>>>> *Detail*: Description of the can_frame_header. You have field
>>>>> descriptions like "This member holds the CAN ID value". My first
>>>>> thought was that it is some kind of address. But with taking a
>>>>> look at the code, it seems that it is a bit mask that is combined
>>>>> out of CAN_ERR_ID_* defines. If a field is expected to contain a
>>>>> certain group of defines: Can you add a note regarding that?
>>>> Added. It is a CAN identifier in most cases, but the field is also
>>>> used to store CAN_ERR_ID_* in case this is an error frame. Since
>>>> CAN ID is only 29 bits, the difference between valid and error
>>>> frame is determined by 31st bit of CAN ID (define CAN_ERR_ID_TAG).
>>>> The complete description of CAN errors for the stack is here:
>>>> https://otrees.pages.fel.cvut.cz/rtems/rtems-canfd/doc/can/can-html/can.html#error-reporting
>>> Great. The doxygen description is a lot better now.
>>>>> *Style*: You have a group of defines like CAN_ERR_*_DATA_BYTE. On
>>>>> the first glance, I thought it would be the same group as
>>>>> CAN_ERR_ID_*. I think I would have used CAN_ERR_DATA_BYTE_*
>>>>> instead. Of course that's a style question and there are always
>>>>> good arguments for any style. Again: A doxygen group using @{ and
>>>>> @} might achieve the same.
>>>> Yes, CAN_ERR_DATA_BYTE_* seems better, changed to it. Also I have
>>>> added the groups.
>>>>> *Typo*: You have a CAN_ERR_PROT_LOC_DARA_BYTE instead of
>>>>> ..._DATA_BYTE.
>>>> Fixed.
>>>>> *Question*: There are a lot of defines in can-frame.h like
>>>>> CAN_ERR_PROT_LOC_DATA or CAN_ERR_TRX_UNSPEC. Is it clear for
>>>>> someone more used to CAN, how to use these? Or would a description
>>>>> like "Possible values for the Byte xyz in a can message" help?
>>>> Yes, these defines are mostly standard in CAN stacks (SocketCAN,
>>>> NuttX etc.)
>>> OK. Then they don't need a detailed description.
>>>>> *Detail*: Again: I'm not happy with the descriptions of the fields
>>>>> of the structure. A field "flags" that is described as "This
>>>>> member holds CAN flags" isn't really helpful. Which values can I
>>>>> assign to that field? Is it a bit mask? Is it a field defined
>>>>> according to some standard? In that case even a "Holds standard
>>>>> CAN flags" would be useful because then I know that I just have to
>>>>> take a look at any CAN documentation.
>>>> I detailed the description and added the reference to CAN frame flags.
>>> Great. Again: A lot better.
>>>>> *Note*: I don't like global defines like MAX_MSGOBJS without a
>>>>> prefix. That's polluting the name space. Is there a reason that it
>>>>> doesn't have the CAN or RTEMS_CAN prefix like all other defines?
>>>> This is even an unused relict from previous design. Removed.
>>>>> Similar: There are defines like "BIT". Is there a reason for using
>>>>> such a generic name? If it (for example) helps porting existing
>>>>> drivers from another stack, that's great. Otherwise, I don't like
>>>>> these names.
>>>>> Some more in this file are: len2dlc, GENMASK, FIELD_PREP, FIELD_GET
>>>> Yes, these defines like BIT, GENMASK etc are there to match Linux
>>>> kernel because of generated headers for CTU CAN FD controller (and
>>>> will match other controllers in Linux kernel as well). Some of them
>>>> are even used in NuttX
>>>> https://github.com/apache/nuttx/blob/master/include/nuttx/bits.h.
>>>> Perhaps the most ideal solution would be to move this to some
>>>> generic include header as bits.h or bitfield.h to have those
>>>> defined in RTEMS in general and not only for CAN stack.
>>> These are always a bit tricky. Moving them in a separate header
>>> sounds good. Whether that one is still a can/bits.h or a general
>>> RTEMS bits.h or something else most likely needs a bit of discussion.
>>> At the moment BIT is defined 7 times in RTEMS or libbsd. GENMASK is
>>> defined once in the "linux/bitops.h" in libbsd.
>>>> len2dlc was renamed.
>>>>> *Note*: The doxygen documentation of struct canqueue_slot_t didn't
>>>>> work as expected: You used for example @next to describe the
>>>>> "next" field. That clearly didn't work:
>>>>> https://otrees.pages.fel.cvut.cz/rtems/rtems-canfd/doc/doxygen/html/structcanque__slot__t.html
>>>> Should be fixed now.
>>>>> *Question*: You use the Atomic_Uint from rtems/score/atomic.h for
>>>>> the slot_flags. For new code, I would suggest using the
>>>>> atomic_uint from stdatomic.h instead (C11). You have included that
>>>>> file already, so it shouldn't be a problem.
>>>> Changed.
>>>>> *Question*: Why is string.h included in that header? I don't see
>>>>> any str*, mem* or stp* functions used.
>>>> Removed.
>>>>> *Detail*: can_bittiming_const has a name with a fixed 32 char
>>>>> length. In ctucanfd.c you initialize that with a constant string.
>>>>> Is there some reason to have a fixed length string in RAM instead
>>>>> of using a pointer to a constant string that can have an arbitrary
>>>>> length and can be (for example) in the Flash?
>>>> Changed to const char*.
>>>>> Maybe I have a basic problem here: Which headers are (more or
>>>>> less) public ones (used to write drivers and applications) and
>>>>> which ones are internal only? Or in other words: Which headers
>>>>> will be installed?
>>>> The general idea now is the user writing an application and
>>>> developer writing a controller should only include can.h header and
>>>> controller specific header (ctucanfd.h, virtual.h). The header
>>>> dependencies are written in such way that all needed is included
>>>> through can.h (probably best seen from doxygen dependencies
>>>> https://otrees.pages.fel.cvut.cz/rtems/rtems-canfd/doc/doxygen/html/can_8h.html).
>>>> There are not many functions programmer will use when writing
>>>> driver, just the ones described here
>>>> https://otrees.pages.fel.cvut.cz/rtems/rtems-canfd/doc/can/can-html/can.html#driver-interface.
>>>> Some other functions are used from can-bus.c with ioctl calls
>>>> (queue creation, discard, flush) and for read/write/open/close
>>>> operations. Functions in can-queue.h are mostly called just from
>>>> can-queue.c, but there is a possibility one might want to call them
>>>> from the driver if he needs something really specific. In other
>>>> words, there are not currently use publicly, but it is possible to
>>>> use them if you need something special. It is a design philosophy
>>>> taken from LinCAN, so I suppose Pavel Píša will have more to say
>>>> about this.
>>>> I will go through the description and comments and try to make it
>>>> more comprehensible.
>>> Great. Thank you.
>>> Best regards
>>> Christian
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> Michal Lenc
>>>> On 14. 05. 24 10:10, Christian MAUDERER wrote:
>>>>> On 2024-05-13 17:40, Christian MAUDERER wrote:
>>>>>> Hello Pavel and Michal,
>>>>>> sorry for the late reply. I was on vacation last week.
>>>>>> On 2024-05-06 11:27, Pavel Pisa wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear Christian,
>>>>>>> On Tuesday 30 of April 2024 08:40:43 Christian MAUDERER wrote:
>>>>>>>>> For others, code under review hosted in CTU university GitLab
>>>>>>>>> server
>>>>>>>>> https://gitlab.fel.cvut.cz/otrees/rtems/rtems-canfd
>>>>>>>>> Documentation
>>>>>>>>> https://otrees.pages.fel.cvut.cz/rtems/rtems-canfd/doc/can/can-html/can.html
>>>>>>>>> https://otrees.pages.fel.cvut.cz/rtems/rtems-canfd/doc/doxygen/html/index.html
>>>>>>>>> Main developer behind extension to CAN FD and switch to RTEMS
>>>>>>>>> is Michal Lenc.
>>>>>>>>> The intention is to (hopefully) reach state when it meets
>>>>>>>>> criteria
>>>>>>>>> to mainlining int RTEMS CPU kit under
>>>>>>>>> cpukit/dev/can
>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>> I agree, that it is compromise. But adding yet another file
>>>>>>>>> descriptor
>>>>>>>>> like multiplexor for queues to each file descriptor seems to
>>>>>>>>> me as
>>>>>>>>> too much complexity. But it can be added. even later as IOCTL
>>>>>>>>> to remove
>>>>>>>>> individual queues based on CAN ID matches or queues IDs if create
>>>>>>>>> is modified to return internal queue IDs...
>>>>>>>> I somehow missed that you can open the device multiple times
>>>>>>>> and get
>>>>>>>> independent queues. With that, it's completely OK and should be
>>>>>>>> flexible
>>>>>>>> enough for most applications.
>>>>>>>> It's great that you already have put some thought into how it
>>>>>>>> could be
>>>>>>>> extended later if some application needs more flexibility.
>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>>>> Did you check with
>>>>>>>>>> some other hardware controller, whether the whole structures
>>>>>>>>>> / defines
>>>>>>>>>> / flags close to the hardware do work well for other
>>>>>>>>>> controllers too?
>>>>>>>>> The code/concept is based on my previous LinCAN and OrtCAN work
>>>>>>>>> https://ortcan.sourceforge.net/lincan/
>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>> I didn't want to doubt your competence. Like I said it's some
>>>>>>>> trap that
>>>>>>>> I have fallen into often enough myself (like when guiding
>>>>>>>> Prashanths
>>>>>>>> GSoC project). But it's clear that you have put a lot of
>>>>>>>> thought into
>>>>>>>> that. So I would expect that there shouldn't be much trouble
>>>>>>>> with most
>>>>>>>> controllers. Maybe except for the ones where a semiconductor
>>>>>>>> vendor
>>>>>>>> thought it would be a good idea to create a completely different
>>>>>>>> concept. But these are always difficult.
>>>>>>> I agree with discussion and searching for hard arguments.
>>>>>>> The solution is compromise and in general CAN bus concept
>>>>>>> is optimized for direct replacement of wires in car
>>>>>>> going between distinc units and its use as general
>>>>>>> communication solution has some difficulties and requires
>>>>>>> some compromises.
>>>>>>> For small devices with predefined purpose and Autosar,
>>>>>>> it is ideal to allocate for each CAN ID (wire signal)
>>>>>>> to be sent one communication object on the controller.
>>>>>>> Same for each received signal value or their set in the
>>>>>>> single frame. The most controllers are equipped by filters
>>>>>>> and mechanism to do so including selection of the
>>>>>>> Tx message object for physical bus-link arbitration
>>>>>>> according to the priority. Then sending side updates
>>>>>>> signal value in corresponding Tx object and receiving
>>>>>>> side sees most actual one usually on the best effort basis,
>>>>>>> older unread frames are overwritten by updated value.
>>>>>>> But even in simple ECU, there are obstacles to use this
>>>>>>> principle in all kind of the communication. CAN bus is used
>>>>>>> for firmware updates and general configuration. In this
>>>>>>> case, the reliable delivery of all messages with given
>>>>>>> CAN ID is required because whole sequence has to be
>>>>>>> received and processed and the state evolution is associated
>>>>>>> to the sequence. If a single message is lost, then all
>>>>>>> data are unusable. Because sequence requires exact ordering
>>>>>>> it is typical that only single Tx object is used. On Rx
>>>>>>> side there can be problem to capture all frames without
>>>>>>> overwrite by single Rx object so some controllers ad FIFO
>>>>>>> which can be attached to each object or some mechanism
>>>>>>> how to allocate more Rx objects and pass them to the user
>>>>>>> in FIFO order.
>>>>>>> That works for small ECUs with single purpose firmware.
>>>>>>> But on general purpose operating system which should
>>>>>>> allow even complete monitoring of the CAN bus, allows
>>>>>>> dynamically started applications and even whole virtual
>>>>>>> CAN/CANopen nodes, allocation the controller Tx/Rx message
>>>>>>> objects for each specific purpose is impossible.
>>>>>>> That is why all generic CAN subsystems which I know
>>>>>>> (CAN4Linux, LinCAN, SockteCAN, NuttX char device CAN,
>>>>>>> windows Peak's drivers etc.) define API based on
>>>>>>> opening driver and presenting received messages
>>>>>>> in FIFO order to application (with options for software
>>>>>>> filtering but usually not propagated to controller,
>>>>>>> HW - LinCAN has some option to union user FIFOs to
>>>>>>> mask and ID propagated to HW, but you usually end with
>>>>>>> fully end with need to receve all anyway and it has not been
>>>>>>> used at the end). The Tx FIFO order is required for messages
>>>>>>> with same ID or even sometimes between same stream of mesages
>>>>>>> even wit altering ID for correct realization of some higher
>>>>>>> level protocols.
>>>>>>> The result is that even on hardware equipped with multiple
>>>>>>> Tx objects but without special Tx FIFO order preserving
>>>>>>> cyclic queue only single Tx object is used to realize
>>>>>>> transmission of all messages, for example SocketCAN on
>>>>>>> XCAN controller. So only part of the CAN bus media
>>>>>>> badwidth can be utilized by single node. May it be, it is sometimes
>>>>>>> a luck, because CAN IDs are not correctly allocated according
>>>>>>> to priority even on cars critical subsystems. On the Rx side
>>>>>>> original
>>>>>>> buffers approach is hard to use in order preserving FIFO concept,
>>>>>>> but the most of today controllers add some option to keep order
>>>>>>> and leave processing and distribution on software side.
>>>>>>> See evolution from CCAN to DCAN to overcome that problem.
>>>>>>> We have even made LinCAN for CCAN many many years ago
>>>>>>> which somehow kept required properties but it was headache.
>>>>>>> So back to generic OS can interfaces, all I know are FIFO(s)
>>>>>>> based. Most of them keep strict FIFO order on Tx side
>>>>>>> which results in HoL (head-of-the-line) blocking and priority
>>>>>>> inversion on bus loaded by middle priority from other node.
>>>>>>> That is why SocketCAN adds alloc_candev_mqs (multiple-queues)
>>>>>>> alternative
>>>>>>> for drivers
>>>>>>> https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/latest/source/drivers/net/can/dev/dev.c#L249
>>>>>>> but as I know, no mainline kernel driver is using that.
>>>>>>> We have done some work to research and even a little extend
>>>>>>> Linux networking QoS subsystem to solve buffer bloat by old
>>>>>>> messages for traffic requiring best effort (most up to date
>>>>>>> data for control) for given IDs and to limit badwidth
>>>>>>> of others or virtual guests connected through QEMU to
>>>>>>> physical bus etc. may years ago at time when multi-queue
>>>>>>> has not been available on Linux side. I have long time plan
>>>>>>> to extend CTU CAN FD mainline Linux driver for this support
>>>>>>> and probably to be the first example how to overcome HoL/priority
>>>>>>> inversion in Linux CAN subsystem. It has been planned in original
>>>>>>> LinCAN before SoketCAN and it is now implemented in proposed
>>>>>>> RTEMS CAN/FD framework where application can setup multiple
>>>>>>> queues even for single open instance with different Tx priority
>>>>>>> class and when used and mapped correctly to CAN IDs, it can
>>>>>>> prevent priority inversion. It is not generic, because it is
>>>>>>> quite expensive for deeper FIFOs and even mutual order of
>>>>>>> Tx messages has to be preserved for many protocols as discussed
>>>>>>> earlier. CTU CAN FD IP core interface to software has been
>>>>>>> architected
>>>>>>> by me to allow maximal utilization of the Tx buffers and their
>>>>>>> reallocation when needed for higher priority message.
>>>>>>> Wait for DTP processing and publication of our international CAN
>>>>>>> Conference 2024 article or come and meet next week in Baden-Baden
>>>>>>> https://www.can-cia.org/icc/
>>>>>>> There are two branches of the thought from this point
>>>>>>> 1) how it maps to other controllers
>>>>>>> For these equipped by single Tx object only (i.e. SJA1000),
>>>>>>> it maps well because attempt to repeat Tx and arbitration
>>>>>>> can be disabled when higher priority queue becomes ready
>>>>>>> and our CAN infrastructure allows to push back lower
>>>>>>> priority message and schedule higher one to be sent.
>>>>>>> For more complex one, if they do not allow to control Tx objects
>>>>>>> order then only single Tx object can be used. Bad, link
>>>>>>> underutilization,
>>>>>>> but it is what is standard in SocketCAN and other CAN solutions
>>>>>>> for general purpose operating systems today. All controllers
>>>>>>> which I know allows to stop Tx attempt repeat and I hope to
>>>>>>> seen at all option t check if the latest attempt has been
>>>>>>> successful or not. So newt RTEMS CAN can use them same
>>>>>>> as on SJA1000. On Rx side, most have FIFO preserving
>>>>>>> option to use multiple buffers. Sometimes partially
>>>>>>> broken, burdened by erratas etc. (like iMX RT where
>>>>>>> we overcome these problems in NuttX drivers).
>>>>>>> When number of Tx priority classes is limited (for proposed
>>>>>>> system by default 3 but compile time configurable) then
>>>>>>> we can allocate one Tx buffer for each class, easy and
>>>>>>> preserves HoL priority inversion even on simple controllers.
>>>>>>> If there is option to order Tx according to the buffer
>>>>>>> index in the controller, then there is option for a little
>>>>>>> more performant solution when multiple Tx buffers are allocated
>>>>>>> for each class and they are sequentially filled till highest
>>>>>>> allocated buffer index is filled. Then there is some gap till
>>>>>>> all these buffers in given priority are sent because
>>>>>>> cyclic filling of the minimal index would result in reordering
>>>>>>> with possible break of some protocol requirements.
>>>>>>> Some controllers allows to attach DMA realized FIFOs to more
>>>>>>> Tx objects, in such case it would map to proposed design well
>>>>>>> too. Some newer controllers adds local priority bits above
>>>>>>> CAN ID ones (i.e. new NXP FlexCAN). This could allow cyclic
>>>>>>> use of some Tx objects/buffers similar to CTU CAN FD.
>>>>>>> There will be problems because multiple Tx buffers priorities
>>>>>>> are not reachable by single atomic operation like in CTU CAN FD
>>>>>>> case. But I have some idea how to implement sequential
>>>>>>> updates to ensure order in the class. There would be problem,
>>>>>>> that most controllers do not allow to update this information
>>>>>>> on the objects participating actively in arbitration. So it would
>>>>>>> lead to much more acrobation between eggs and some gap time,
>>>>>>> where none message is offered in the link arbitration even that
>>>>>>> there are pending user requests will be inevitable in some
>>>>>>> scenarios after some number of messages sent. That cannot
>>>>>>> be on the bus side worse that considering fixed order according
>>>>>>> to index. May be, it can be found that overhead does not worth
>>>>>>> that. But we preserve API in variants in all cases...
>>>>>>> 2) use of the CAN bus in applications requiring maximal bus
>>>>>>> transparency with minimal latency and SW load. This is
>>>>>>> totally opposite of the general CAN bus subsystem for
>>>>>>> general purpose RTOS. The API in this case should allocated
>>>>>>> Tx and Rx controller objects for the individual purposes/CAN IDs.
>>>>>>> Rx side SW processing can be considered as alternative and proposed
>>>>>>> framework allows to setup queues, but it has overhead and under
>>>>>>> extreme load it can lost some messages if HW is not performant
>>>>>>> enough.
>>>>>>> On Tx side it is even more problematic.
>>>>>>> But if this type of use of RTEMS for example for Autosar or
>>>>>>> Simulink
>>>>>>> generated code is considered then it is possible to extend actual
>>>>>>> proposed API by IOCTLs which allows to reserve some controller
>>>>>>> objects for specific purposes and allows to access them directly
>>>>>>> for minimal overhead and use under direct application control or
>>>>>>> attach
>>>>>>> separated controller side "canque_ends_dev_t" to such objects and
>>>>>>> propagate them to some clients to standard CAN read and write API.
>>>>>>> So I think that the proposed framework provides what is expected
>>>>>>> bu most of general purpose CAN/CAN FD framework users, tries to
>>>>>>> perpare a little even for come of CAN XL, solves problems which
>>>>>>> may be practically unsolved by all other generic approaches still.
>>>>>>> And we have some clue how to extend support for most/all other
>>>>>>> controllers and even some open doors to offer even ECU style
>>>>>>> API for applications which benefit from direct controller
>>>>>>> buffers use/allocation which is possible on controllers
>>>>>>> with abundant number of buffers (not case of SJA1000
>>>>>>> and very limited on CTU CAN FD - max 8 can be configured
>>>>>>> to silicon under actual registers map).
>>>>>>> I understand that the text is long but you have asked for
>>>>>>> it in the fact and I provide complete thought dump
>>>>>>> to analyes it.
>>>>>> Thanks for the (very) detailed explanation. My intention was to
>>>>>> express that I'm completely OK with only one driver because you
>>>>>> clearly have thought about other hardware too. Your explanation
>>>>>> just makes it even more clear how much thought you put into it ;)
>>>>>>> I would be happy if you and or others find time to look
>>>>>>> into actual code implementation to identify what could
>>>>>>> be issue for mainlining as soon as possible because
>>>>>>> after May 24 changes do not propagate into Michal Lenc's
>>>>>>> thesis text which can be alternative and more in depth
>>>>>>> documentation and analysis than what fits into official
>>>>>>> RTEMS one. The full document has already 47 pages and
>>>>>>> 34 of the actual text without content and appendices.
>>>>>>> Document includes benchmarks under RTEMS load by HTTP
>>>>>>> traffic, priority inversion prevention confirmation
>>>>>>> by measurements with performance data etc.
>>>>>>> It will be published on CTU in May or June
>>>>>>> https://dspace.cvut.cz/
>>>>>>> and links will be added to
>>>>>>> https://canbus.pages.fel.cvut.cz/
>>>>>>> same as for much shorter iCC article and presentation.
>>>>>> Code review without patches or a review system is always a bit
>>>>>> more effort because there is nothing to add comments directly. It
>>>>>> seems that I can't register on the gitlab instance that you
>>>>>> provided. So let's try it here.
>>>>>> I'll mainly take a look at the headers because they define the
>>>>>> interface. That's the most important part if you ask me. Bugs in
>>>>>> the code should be fixable later.
>>>>>> I'll try to categorize my comments a bit. If it has a *Style* or
>>>>>> *Typo* in front of it, you can just ignore it. It's not really
>>>>>> important. It's just something that I noted while reading through
>>>>>> the code. *Question* or *Note* are more important.
>>>>>> And please note: You know CAN a lot better than me. So quite
>>>>>> possible that I don't see a lot of stuff and that I might have
>>>>>> some odd odd questions.
>>>>>> ### First the ones that I plan to more or less ignore so that I
>>>>>> can concentrate on the important parts:
>>>>>> Test or demo apps. So most likely not relevant for a review:
>>>>>> ./rtems_can_test/can_test.h
>>>>>> ./rtems_can_test/app_def.h
>>>>>> ./rtems_can_test/system.h
>>>>>> ./rtems_can_test/can_register.h
>>>>>> ./zynq_template/app_def.h
>>>>>> ./zynq_template/zynq_reg.h
>>>>>> ./zynq_template/system.h
>>>>>> Seems to be left over from some tests:
>>>>>> ./lib/libbar/bar.h
>>>>>> Driver specific files. I think these are not that high priority
>>>>>> either:
>>>>>> ./lib/candrv/ctucanfd/ctucanfd_txb.h
>>>>>> ./lib/candrv/ctucanfd/ctucanfd_kframe.h
>>>>>> ./lib/candrv/ctucanfd/ctucanfd_kregs.h
>>>>>> ./lib/candrv/dev/can/ctucanfd.h
>>>>>> ### Now the more important ones: The interfaces
>>>>>> #### ./lib/candrv/dev/can/can.h
>>>>>> *Style*: I would suggest to group defines a bit more. You already
>>>>>> used prefixes like RTEMS_CAN_QUEUE_* which is great. You can
>>>>>> improve that a bit more if you use Doxygen "@name" and "@{" ...
>>>>>> "@}". For an example take a look at
>>>>>> https://gitlab.rtems.org/rtems/rtos/rtems/-/blob/main/cpukit/include/dev/i2c/i2c.h?ref_type=heads#L80
>>>>>> Which leads to a group in the doxygen output:
>>>>>> https://docs.rtems.org/doxygen/branches/master/cpukit_2include_2dev_2i2c_2i2c_8h.html
>>>>>> The same is true for some other defines in other files. I won't
>>>>>> mention it every time.
>>>>>> *Question*: Why do you prefix some defines with RTEMS (like
>>>>>> RTEMS_CAN_CHIP_MODE) and others don't have that prefix (like
>>>>>> CAN_CTRLMODE_LOOPBACK)? The same is true for some other defines
>>>>>> in other files. I won't mention it every time.
>>>>>> *Style*: Sometimes you use Doxygen @brief. Sometimes \ref. I
>>>>>> think it works, but it's a bit odd.
>>>>>> *Question*: You have ioctls like RTEMS_CAN_DISCARD_QUEUES.
>>>>>> According to the description, that ioctl has a parameter. Why is
>>>>>> it an _IO and not an _IOW? The same is true for some more of the
>>>>>> _IO ioctls.
>>>>>> *Typo*: The description of RTEMS_CAN_GET_BITTIMING has a "geets"
>>>>>> in it's comment.
>>>>>> *Note*: struct can_chip_ops doesn't have a description. I'm not
>>>>>> entirely sure what every member should do. For example:
>>>>>> check_bittiming: From the name I would expect that it only checks
>>>>>> a bit timing. From the ctucanfd.c it also sets a bit timing. I
>>>>>> think it would be good if you would add short descriptions here
>>>>>> like "Check and set a bittiming. Returns 0 on success or negated
>>>>>> errno on error."
>>>>>> *Detail*: can_bus_register(...) and can_bitrate2bittiming are
>>>>>> missing a description. If they are a public interface, it would
>>>>>> be good if they would have one.
>>>>>> #### ./lib/candrv/dev/can/can-frame.h
>>>>>> *Detail*: Description of the can_frame_header. You have field
>>>>>> descriptions like "This member holds the CAN ID value". My first
>>>>>> thought was that it is some kind of address. But with taking a
>>>>>> look at the code, it seems that it is a bit mask that is combined
>>>>>> out of CAN_ERR_ID_* defines. If a field is expected to contain a
>>>>>> certain group of defines: Can you add a note regarding that?
>>>>>> *Style*: You have a group of defines like CAN_ERR_*_DATA_BYTE. On
>>>>>> the first glance, I thought it would be the same group as
>>>>>> CAN_ERR_ID_*. I think I would have used CAN_ERR_DATA_BYTE_*
>>>>>> instead. Of course that's a style question and there are always
>>>>>> good arguments for any style. Again: A doxygen group using @{ and
>>>>>> @} might achieve the same.
>>>>>> *Typo*: You have a CAN_ERR_PROT_LOC_DARA_BYTE instead of
>>>>>> ..._DATA_BYTE.
>>>>>> *Question*: There are a lot of defines in can-frame.h like
>>>>>> CAN_ERR_PROT_LOC_DATA or CAN_ERR_TRX_UNSPEC. Is it clear for
>>>>>> someone more used to CAN, how to use these? Or would a
>>>>>> description like "Possible values for the Byte xyz in a can
>>>>>> message" help?
>>>>>> #### ./lib/candrv/dev/can/can-filter.h
>>>>>> *Detail*: Again: I'm not happy with the descriptions of the
>>>>>> fields of the structure. A field "flags" that is described as
>>>>>> "This member holds CAN flags" isn't really helpful. Which values
>>>>>> can I assign to that field? Is it a bit mask? Is it a field
>>>>>> defined according to some standard? In that case even a "Holds
>>>>>> standard CAN flags" would be useful because then I know that I
>>>>>> just have to take a look at any CAN documentation.
>>>>>> #### ./lib/candrv/dev/can/can-devcommon.h
>>>>>> OK.
>>>>>> #### ./lib/candrv/dev/can/can-helpers.h
>>>>>> *Note*: I don't like global defines like MAX_MSGOBJS without a
>>>>>> prefix. That's polluting the name space. Is there a reason that
>>>>>> it doesn't have the CAN or RTEMS_CAN prefix like all other defines?
>>>>>> Similar: There are defines like "BIT". Is there a reason for
>>>>>> using such a generic name? If it (for example) helps porting
>>>>>> existing drivers from another stack, that's great. Otherwise, I
>>>>>> don't like these names.
>>>>>> Some more in this file are: len2dlc, GENMASK, FIELD_PREP, FIELD_GET
>>>>>> Now I'm running out of time. I'll try to take a look at the
>>>>>> following files later or tomorrow:
>>>>> Like promised:
>>>>> #### ./lib/candrv/dev/can/can-queue.h
>>>>> *Note*: The doxygen documentation of struct canqueue_slot_t didn't
>>>>> work as expected: You used for example @next to describe the
>>>>> "next" field. That clearly didn't work:
>>>>> https://otrees.pages.fel.cvut.cz/rtems/rtems-canfd/doc/doxygen/html/structcanque__slot__t.html
>>>>> *Question*: You use the Atomic_Uint from rtems/score/atomic.h for
>>>>> the slot_flags. For new code, I would suggest using the
>>>>> atomic_uint from stdatomic.h instead (C11). You have included that
>>>>> file already, so it shouldn't be a problem.
>>>>> *Question*: Why is string.h included in that header? I don't see
>>>>> any str*, mem* or stp* functions used.
>>>>> *Question*: Some of the functions have a bit of a short
>>>>> description. For example the canqueue_filter_match: The brief
>>>>> description basically just tells me exactly what the name of the
>>>>> function already told me. But how and in what situation would I
>>>>> use that function? How do these filters work? I can't tell that
>>>>> easily from the description or from the implementation of the
>>>>> function. Is it even thought as an interface that a user (in this
>>>>> case: someone writing a driver or an application) has to understand?
>>>>> Maybe I have a basic problem here: Which headers are (more or
>>>>> less) public ones (used to write drivers and applications) and
>>>>> which ones are internal only? Or in other words: Which headers
>>>>> will be installed?
>>>>> For this file, I strongly suspect that it is not user-facing. You
>>>>> have a lot of undocumented functions in it (like
>>>>> canqueue_next_inedge or canque_for_each_inedge).
>>>>> The files that are really relevant for review at the current point
>>>>> are mainly the ones that a user (again: someone writing a driver
>>>>> or an application) can see.
>>>>> If it is a public facing header: Did I miss some general
>>>>> description how a filter works and how a user should use it? It's
>>>>> quite possible that I missed that. I'm still only scratching the
>>>>> surface of your work at the moment.
>>>>> #### ./lib/candrv/dev/can/can-stats.h
>>>>> Looks OK.
>>>>> #### ./lib/candrv/dev/can/can-virtual.h
>>>>> OK.
>>>>> #### ./lib/candrv/dev/can/can-bittiming.h
>>>>> *Detail*: can_bittiming_const has a name with a fixed 32 char
>>>>> length. In ctucanfd.c you initialize that with a constant string.
>>>>> Is there some reason to have a fixed length string in RAM instead
>>>>> of using a pointer to a constant string that can have an arbitrary
>>>>> length and can be (for example) in the Flash?
>>>>> Best regards
>>>>> Christian
>>>>>> Best regards
>>>>>> Christian
>>>>>>> Best wishes,
>>>>>>> Pavel
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Pavel Pisa
>>>>>>> phone: +420 603531357
>>>>>>> e-mail: pisa at cmp.felk.cvut.cz
>>>>>>> �� Department of Control Engineering FEE CVUT
>>>>>>> Karlovo namesti 13, 121 35, Prague 2
>>>>>>> university: http://control.fel.cvut.cz/
>>>>>>> personal: http://cmp.felk.cvut.cz/~pisa
>>>>>>> company: https://pikron.com/ PiKRON s.r.o.
>>>>>>> Kankovskeho 1235, 182 00 Praha 8, Czech Republic
>>>>>>> projects: https://www.openhub.net/accounts/ppisa
>>>>>>> social: https://social.kernel.org/ppisa
>>>>>>> CAN related:http://canbus.pages.fel.cvut.cz/
>>>>>>> RISC-V education: https://comparch.edu.cvut.cz/
>>>>>>> Open Technologies Research Education and Exchange Services
>>>>>>> https://gitlab.fel.cvut.cz/otrees/org/-/wikis/home
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