RFC: Deprecate MIPS port in 6.1

Joel Sherrill joel at rtems.org
Thu May 30 14:51:49 UTC 2024


There does not appear to be any recent activity for this port in RTEMS.
Thread Local Storage is not supported yet. Dynamic loading has a mips
dependent file but it looks like the last work was a patch from 2016 which
was committed in 2020. No idea if this works.

MIPS Technologies is now a RISC-V house. They do not list any MIPS CPUs
under products. I assume they are still collecting license fees from those
with licenses but otherwise MIPS appears to be dead.

Any objections to deprecating this for 6 and removing before 7?

If a user shows up who is interested in it not being removed, we will want
at least more tests passing on the MIPS simulator BSP and likely multiple
BSPs removed.


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