Fatal error 0x16 at mips64orion processor.

Joel Sherrill joel.sherrill at OARcorp.com
Tue Apr 11 20:16:48 UTC 2000

"Alexander D. Tarkhov" wrote:
> Hello, people.
> We have used RTEMS 4.0.0 during last 6 months. It suits our embedded
> system quite well and runs on mips64orion processor without any troubles
> (generally).
> But now our project needs the support of timers at the OS level and
> RTEMS doesn't seem to be very happy about providing such a support :)
> In fact, any call to rtems_timer_create()
> makes the whole system crash with the following fatal error:
> "fatal error 0x16 22".

According to the status.h:

  RTEMS_NOT_CONFIGURED           = 22, /* directive not configured */

You do not have the timer manager included in your application.  You
have a line like this in your Makefile:

# optional managers required

and it needs to include timer.

Don't forget to configure a non-zero number of timers or the
create will fail for insufficient resources.  The confdefs.h

> What can that be?
> or
> Where can we find error codes explanations?
> or
> Is there a patch available?
> Thank you in advance for your suggestions and links.
> Alexander Tarkhov

Joel Sherrill, Ph.D.             Director of Research & Development
joel at OARcorp.com                 On-Line Applications Research
Ask me about RTEMS: a free RTOS  Huntsville AL 35805
   Support Available             (256) 722-9985

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