About porting gen68360 BSP to our target

Aaron Xinhuan Liu xliu at csr.UVic.CA
Tue Apr 25 09:39:31 UTC 2000

Thank you for your help.

The target we use supports BDM, but we cannot use it now. There is ftp-like
server aplication built into the target in flash memory, so we can download
our applications to the target. The images to be downloaded must conform to
the following specifications:

    . The first long word contains the initial stack pointer.
    . The second long word contains the absolute entry point to the image.
    . The second long word contains the magic number.
    . Should an image require copying to RAM, it must reside above 0x430000.

Also, I have built gdb 4.17 for the target, but I don't know how to use it for
our target.
Any suggestions ?


Eric Norum wrote:

> Aaron Xinhuan Liu wrote:
> >
> > Hi there,
> >
> > I'd like to port the gen68360 BSP with RTEMS to our target and get the
> > helloWorld program to work on our target. I have just modifed the files:
> > start.s, init68360.c, console.c and linkcmds for our target. The
> > configuration of the target is:
> >
> >             33 MHz clock rate MC68EN360
> >             Flash memory, 2 MB @ 0x00000
> >             DRAM 4MB @ 0x430000
> >             EEPROM, 32kB @ 0x800000
> >             DPRBASE @0x8000000
> >             console serial port on SMC2
> >             Ethernet interface on SCC1
> >
> > I built the sample hello_world program and downloaded to the target, but
> > it does't work and no message display. I have attached the files I
> > modefied and created to this message. Any help would be apprecaited.
> >
> >
> Are you using gdb/BDM?  If so, the first thing I'd try is to modify the
> scripts to set up the m360 registers to the same values set by the
> initialization code.  Then see if you can read and write memory with gdb
> and see if DRAM properly holds its contents.  Next step is to download
> the executable and use breakpoints/single step to see if you're getting
> through the initialization properly -- pay particular attention to the
> code that copies the data segment and clears the bss segment.  It's easy
> to make mistakes in the linker configuration file that causes problems
> here.  Your way of laying out memory is significantly different, so my
> first guess is that this is where you're having problems.
> Then put a breakpoint on Init and see if you're getting that far.
> If things still aren't working, try putting breakpoints in the console
> output routines -- try polled output then interrupt-driven output.
> This procedure has never failed me :-)
> --
> Eric Norum                                 eric at cls.usask.ca
> Canadian Light Source                      Phone: (306) 966-6308
> University of Saskatchewan                 FAX:   (306) 966-6058
> Saskatoon, Canada.

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