Getting started

Edi Im Hof edi.imhof at
Mon Aug 7 14:43:23 UTC 2000

Hi all

That's my first posting to this list, hello everybody. I'm not only new to 
this list, but also new to rtems and realtime multitasking at all.
What I need now is a goot starting point to learn more about rtos.

Could somebody recomend a good book or a url?

Thanks for your time


+  IH electronic                +  Phone:   ++41 52 320 90 00  +
+  Edi Im Hof                   +  Fax:     ++41 52 320 90 04  +
+  Doernlerstrasse 1, Sulz      +  URL:  +
+  CH-8544 Rickenbach-Attikon   +  E-Mail:  edi.imhof at   +
+  Switzerland                  +                              +

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