Opencore or16 and or32 ports

Joel Sherrill joel.sherrill at
Fri Aug 11 22:03:04 UTC 2000

FYI I have added the shells for or16 and or32 ports.  They
will be included in the next snapshot.  They are based on
the "no_cpu" port with names replaced.  Some odd notes:

  + I don't know which is the one close to silicon.
  + no BSPs at this point.  I will add a shell once I
    know which CPU is being worked on.
  + It will be in the next snapshot.
  + I can't compile it since I have not addressed tools yet.
  + I can tell already that there are some typos and grammar
    errors in no_cpu's cpu.h file.  Please correct English
    as you spot these. :(

The intent of the no_cpu port is to be a starting point for
ports.  As such, there are XXX's in the comment blocks to fill
in port specific information.

Joel Sherrill, Ph.D.             Director of Research & Development
joel at                 On-Line Applications Research
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