Microwindows Project picked up as worthy Linux News
Erwin Rol
Erwin.Rol at q-soft-engineering.com
Wed Feb 2 10:52:26 UTC 2000
Hello All,
I will check that microwindows thingy out later :-) it sounds
very interesting.
I have a few questions and maybe idea's regarding to GUI's for
First of all is there some standart way to access a display, i have been
thinking about a framebuffer device comparable to those used by linux.
With just minial inforamtion about the display and type, for example
a 16 * 4 text framebuffer for those small displays, or a 320 * 160
for b/w dot LCD's, or a 1024 * 768 * 32bit VGA display. Is there
something like
that available or is there someone working on it ? and would there be
interested in it ?
Second input devices, smaller systems for example have only a few
buttons or a small
touchscreen. Or turn knobs that are the only input devices. Wouldn't it
be interesting
to have some general input device that can be used in combination with a
to build small embedded GUI's ?
Other posibilities of a general framebuffer device could be remote
displaying or virtual framebuffers
that only write to RAM, which makes it posible to test aplications
without the actual display hardware ready.
For example when you only have a test board and want to write your
aplication without knowing
already what type of display you have.
Next thing could be a library that offers some sort lowlevel drawwing
kit that can be used to controle
smart displays like modern VGA controlers so they can use the
acceleration of those devices.
Ok let me know if someone is interested in this topic and if there
(appart from microwindos) is
already something done in this subject.
- Erwin
PS. i tried the latest BOCH and i could boot RTEMS with those lilo
images without a problem.
might be interesting for ppl working witgh the PC386 BSP so one can do
faster prototyping.
VMWARE might work too , but my trail licence has run out :-)
Rosimildo da Silva wrote:
> I'd like to pass on this news about Microwindows. It is important to
> mention that we've got it running under RTEMS.
> Rosimildo.
> Greg Haerr wrote:
> > The Microwindows Project just got some real good press!
> > We've been mentioned as a viable alternative to Lineo's
> > non-open source WinCE solution, but available now.
> > In addition, Nano-X was mentioned.
> >
> > Check out this article:
> >
> > >
> http://www.linuxdevices.com/cgi-bin/article_view.cgi?artid=AT5381373148
> > >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Greg
> >
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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> Rosimildo da Silva rdasilva at connectel.com
> ConnectTel, Inc. Austin, TX -- USA
> Phone : 512-338-1111 Fax : 512-918-0449
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Q - S O F T - E N G I N E E R I N G
Rodachtalweg 11, 81549 Muenchen, Germany
Erwin Rol (Software Engineer) phone: +49-89-68050051
Erwin.Rol at Q-Soft-Engineering.com fax : +49-89-68050052
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