i386ex -> custom 386sx bsp

Smith, Gene Gene.Smith at sea.siemens.com
Mon Mar 6 17:39:17 UTC 2000

I am trying to adapt the i386ex bsp to run on a special 386sx board which
currently has no serial port.  I am using printk instead of printf and
directing the printk strings to dual port memory from which the strings can
be viewed with a debugger on another processor on the same board.  First I
got the hello program to work. Now I am working on the ticker program. The
ticker program prints the initial time in the 3 tasks one time and then
stops.  I don't think my timer interrupt is working.  Also, I see a couple
of times the message "raw_idt_notify has been called."  I think this means
an interrupt is occurring with no handler. I would think I should never get
this message. Is this true?

Also, if I understand the i386ex bsp, the timer interrupt should connect to
IR0.  Is this true?

I am working with the code from rtems-4.0.0. 

Any comments or help would be most appreciated.


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