libstdc++ in 4.5.0 b3

Joel Sherrill joel.sherrill at
Thu May 18 13:15:13 UTC 2000

Nick.SIMON at wrote:
> Adding -lstdc++ in <BSP>.cfg fixed the problem.  Many thanks.
> Joel, this is probably applicable to eth-comm, and maybe the other powerpc
> BSPs

Could you use the ld option to verify that you are getting the
appropriate multilib variant?

FYI I have a handful of small reports for the eth_comm BSP in beta3.
Could you send a patch that works for you?

The list (off the top of my head is):

  + start code "b"'s to boot_card not "bl" so it can't be returned
    to.  After the bl, there should be a "branch to self" instruction.
  + interrupt stack size too small
  + The -lstdc++ problem.

These are minor but picky.  A patch from someone who is running
the BSP would be safer.

The libstdc++ problem bothers me for the same reason it does Ralf.
There are cases with multilib variants where it does not seem
to work right.
> -- Nick Simon

Joel Sherrill, Ph.D.             Director of Research & Development
joel at                 On-Line Applications Research
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