[RTEMS]How about the Networking ability

Eric Norum eric.norum at usask.ca
Thu Nov 30 22:02:00 UTC 2000

Jeffrey wrote:
> Thank you for your comment.
> But I want to know how long have you used RTEMS and what's the flaw you
> found in RTEMS ? And what's the major products of your company?
> Hi all:
> Can nobody answer this questions?
> Jeffrey
I sent you (and this mailing list) a message two days ago describing how
I have used RTEMS.  The network stack is from the NetBSD distribution
with minimal modifications
to allow it to work in a kernel with completely different scheduling

What more do you need to know?

Eric Norum                                 eric.norum at usask.ca
Department of Electrical Engineering       Phone: (306) 966-5394
University of Saskatchewan                 FAX:   (306) 966-5407
Saskatoon, Canada.

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