Sending partition buffers to message queue..

Samuel Konnerth S.Konnerth at
Tue Oct 24 16:12:28 UTC 2000

Hello all,

I have a question concerning sending messages to a queue:

I want to send a message from one thread to another one by using a
message queue. The message to be sent should be allocated from a fast
memory pool (hence a partition block seems to be more efficient instead
of the heap by using malloc).

My question: Is it possible to use buffers allocated from a partition
for this mechanism? If yes, does RTEMS free the allocated memory after
the message has been received by the second thread? I learned that the
OS copies the message in another buffer than the original one.

Thanks in advance,

Samuel Konnerth
UMTS SW Development

Radio Communication Division
Lorenzstr. 10
D-70435 Stuttgart

Tel:      +49-711-821 30360 (Alcanet: 2-503 30360)
Telefax:  +49-711-821 42996
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Email:    S.Konnerth at
Email for life: 98.samuel.konnerth at

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