RTEMS Samples

"Michael P. Collins" on korat mcollins at hawkeye.sps.mot.com
Tue Oct 10 16:47:09 UTC 2000

Steven Johnson, wrote:

>> Is there a configure option to prevent the samples from being built?

>> If there isn't one already, and I added a --disable-samples option to
>> configure.

Ralf Corsepius asked:

>Why do you think we need this?

  One reason that comes to mind is that some or all of the tests may
not fit available program memory.  My board, as an example, has only
128K of EPROM, so I have to use a script to disable the building of
the paranoia tests.  It would be useful to have a command line argument
or parameters in "user.cfg" which would support selection of tests.
It's not a big deal, and certainly should not be a priority to
address, but I can see Steven's point.

  I can provide my patch script if anyone is interested in seeing

					-- MC --
mcollins at wdc.sps.mot.com

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