Some BSP questions

Michael P. Collins on korat mcollins at
Thu Sep 14 01:01:04 UTC 2000

Monday, I wrote:

>> I'm running into a few problems moving my BSP from 4.0.0 to 4.5.0.

[Lots deleted.]

Joel replied:

> It looks like there was not a configure file.  It looks to me that you
> need to make sure you have a and in your BSP
> directory (m68k/lz120) and's in all subdirectories of the
> BSP.  Then run bootstrap from the top of the RTEMS source tree.

  Running bootstrap was the missing piece.  I got everything working in
short order thereafter.  While I vaguely recall some mention of this
script a while back, I didn't see any reference to it in the manuals.
Perhaps it could be added to the bit_rtems script, or at least moved
up into the tools directory.  Or maybe there is a mention of its use
somewhere where I should have seen it, but didn't.

  In any case, I wanted to let you know that your reply solved my
problem, and I've now fully shifted my efforts over to 4.5.  Provided
I can find the time to organize my notes and scripts a bit better,
I hope to follow up shortly with a message which summarizes the process
of converting a BSP from 4.0 to 4.5 and adding it into the source tree.

  Best regards, adn thanks again.

					-- MC --
mcollins at

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