Linking application and BSP

Michael P. Collins on korat mcollins at
Wed Sep 20 19:14:09 UTC 2000

  I'm trying to determine how I should link my application with my
BSPs now that they've been updated for 4.5.  All the "tests/samples"
tasks link successfully[1], which implies that my BSPs are more-or-less

  Using the Makefiles I created for 4.0.0 as a starting point, I've
gotten the bugs out to the point where the final link step takes place.
Then I see the problems described below.

  - The linker complains about "start.o" not being found.  I've
    tried adding "$INSTALL_POINT/<bsp>/lib/start.o" to the list
    of linked objects, but this doesn't work.  A symlink from that
    file to the local directory does work; I haven't been able to
    determine where the reference to a local "start.o" is coming

  - With that symlink in place, the linker complains about undefined
    references to `Configuration' in bootcard.c.  Using the sample
    tasks as a reference, I don't understand why this error doesn't
    occur any time the BSP is linked with an application.  Conversely,
    if there isn't an unresolved reference when linking with a sample
    application, why do I see one when linking with mine?  Where is
    this structure supposed to be allocated?  I don't have any
    references to this structure in any of my application files.

  - There are undefined references to the following variables:

    filename                        undefined reference
    --------                        -------------------
    c/src/lib/libc/base_fs.c        rtems_filesystem_mount_table_size

    c/src/lib/libc/libio.c          rtems_libio_number_iops

  I presume the the last item in the list pertains to the lack of
filesystem support for my BSP.  How should I go about linking so I
don't see those errors?

  As always, any suggestions are appreciated.

					-- MC --

1. With the exception of paranoia, which is too large to fit in
   program space for my ROM-based BSP.  I asked if there was an
   elegant way to omit this task during build last week, but didn't
   see any replies.  I wrote a script which applies patches to and configure, but would still like to know if
   there's a better way.
mcollins at

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