Network config issue

Jake Janovetz janovetz at
Mon Sep 25 14:07:39 UTC 2000

How would the configuration be changed after compile, then?
Are you saying that once you build the application, you're stuck
with that network configuration?  If this is the case, then I
strongly disagree.  It would kinda suck if Red Hat shipped 
Linux with one network configuration.

Same goes with an embedded OS that may go into devices that 
should be reconfigurable.  I must be misunderstanding something,


On Mon, Sep 25, 2000 at 09:29:47AM -0400, Charles-Antoine Gauthier wrote:
> Has there been any work done to move the network config info into the
> RTEMS main source tree somehow?
> I am trying to build a new library to support running the libgcj/mauve
> tests using the dejagnu framework. This library is basically a C stub
> that calls a C function emitted by jvgenmain, which in turns calls the
> main Java function. My problem is that I am now introducing a new
> library in RTEMS, and that the tests need to have the network
> configuration defined. Hence, I would like to have a mechanism by which
> the network configuration is defined at the time RTEMS is build.
> I believe that Eric Norum was thinking about integrating the networking
> tests into the main tree. The same issue would occur in that situation.
> How about putting the network config info in the bsp-specific config
> files in rtems/make/custom in the form of preprocessor constants? The
> structures to initialize the network can then be initialized with these
> constants.
> -- 
> Charles-Antoine Gauthier
> Institute for Information Technology   Institut de technologie de
> l'information
> National Research Council of Canada    Conseil national de recherches du
> Canada

   janovetz at    | How can it be that mathematics, being after all a 
 University of Illinois | product of human thought independent of experience,
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